Thursday, April 24, 2003


*does a funky little half chicken half bellydancing move across the entry*
*percolates back to the topic at hand*

I'm not coming to work tomorrow. (Am I the only one who ALWAYS writes two m's and one r in tomorrow and have to constantly go back to correct it?) And - I'm getting paid still. And I get to sleep late and clean and read and straighten up and cook and watch a little tv and start working on The Artist's Way and snack and love on my kitties and start on my stretches and practice my belly dancing and be utterly and completely BY MYSELF for an entire day. And then - just as a cherry on the end of a day - the light of my life will show up around 11pm.
The very idea makes me smile and lay back and feel utterly relaxed like I'm fresh out of a hot shower on a slightly warm day.

Have a good Weekend, Yall.

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