Wednesday, April 23, 2003


I don't like waiting for anything. The light to change, a website to come up, my weight to come off. I get uptight, grumpy, twitchy, and just generally aggravated.

I've realized that most of the time, it's not a crucial issue. It's not something that would cause any harm to me - but I allow it to stress me out. I think part of the issue is that I feel like I MUST be doing something all the time, and that leaves me so wound up that there are times that I just crash into doing absolutely nothing at all.
I'm still working on the first habit, and I think that I've done good thus far as far as the job and my money is going. I know that it won't happen instantly, but at least I'm working towards where I want to be.
One of my splurges last week was a magazine 'SageWoman' from Borders. One of the articles was about grounding yourself in time - acknowledging the wonder and beauty of each moment rather than constantly looking either forward or back. That's been bubbling in my mind since I read the article, and while I was doing yoga last night I realized that it is an excellent practice for being fully aware of the moment. So - that is my next goal - to become much less impatient. To slow down and be willing to wait a little for good things - or anything to come. To not twitch when the driver in front of me doesn't take off the second the light changes. To not feel the need to have two IE windows open so that I can look at something while I'm waiting for the next page to load. To be able to breath and take a second to BE in the moment - whether it's a good or a bad one.
Perhaps this will help me be a more balanced person - to be able to go through life with a consistent level of energy rather than wild spikes of energy and sloth. Also - I'm trying to get in touch with me - the bellydancing classes have shown me just how out of touch I am with myself. I want to be this peaceful, green, centered, loving person and I can't get there without being in touch with my emotions and the root causes for them. I should be able to manage my reactions to life to insure that I am living the life of the woman I want to be.

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