Tuesday, April 22, 2003


Sunday, Corey and I started muttering about when we wanted to start trying to have children again. He said - right after we get married? and my mouth fell open. He quickly elaborated that yes, he did remember that we wanted to wait until we were a little more settled and financially secure and all that - but yeah.
I still want to wait - but at the same time I don't want to, but I know it's smarter if we do. I'm thinking that June 2004 might be a good time to start - right after we move to wherever we end up going. :)

I went home and cooked my tail off last night. I made 2 pans of stir fried 'rice', a pot of barbecue sauce which I imeadiately used up on some chicken breasts and a pork loin (for pulled pork), a pot of parmesan spinach, a pan of shepards pie, a pot of hot wings, and 3 kinds of pudding (white chocolate, butterscotch, and pistascio). My kitchen looks like a hurricaine swept through it, but MAN I had fun. I managed to make a little room in my fridge, but not nearly enough. Tonight, I might make some lasagna to get rid of a couple of the containers and veggies, but I'm not sure if there will be room to put anything in there.

I've scheduled myself to go to a couple of Meetups through that Meetup.com place. I've picked the bookcrossing one, a homebirth one, and a pagan one. I was scheduled to go to one tonight, but eh - I don't feel like dealing with outsiders. I have this urge to vaccum my living room - and since the cooking madness took me over yesterday - I was in the kichen from the time I got home at 5:30 until I finally crawled into bed at 11:30 - AFTER I talked myself out of starting another dish - I really didn't have any time to clean. Wow - I shold procrastinate like that ALL the time. So, tonight - I think I will stay at work until 5, then head home, start washing clothes, then start cleaning the house. My bedroom is still pretty good, but the living room needs some serious work. I need to reclean the kitchen too after last night's excitement.

Ah! Lunch time... let's see how good my barbeque sauce is.

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