Friday, March 17, 2006

Ahhh, Friday.

I so do love Fridays. First, I allow myself to lounge about in bed (long enough that The Boy asked if I was going to work) and stroll into work at a lovely 9am on the dot. Then, I relax through the rest of the day. Nothing really bugs me, nothing really bites my bottom, and I'm wearing a cute skirt.

Remember the House I fell in Love with?? And yes, the capitialization is important. Despite the whingy bitchiness of the previous entry, I'm actually CONSIDERING going to look at it tomorrow. Note - just considering. I doubt that I'll actually do it because of the whole damned if you do/damned if you don't aspect of it, and also because I want to see if they drop the price again, and also because we don't have a big enough downpayment (and yes, I know, you don't NEED a DP - it jsut makes me feel better) and well, I'm mildy neurotic about money. Because the owners address of residence (yes, I've looked up the tax information/parcel pictures the whole nine) is out of town, I'm wondering if the house is even occupied. It might be a case of older parents and kids trying to sell the house. Gahhhhh!
But still.... it's SOOO purty. At least from the picture.
In other housing news - the house cattycorner to us is on sale for 225K - 3bd/3bth, but it's on less than a half acre, so I'm really not even interested. I'm considering slumming through for the open house on Sunday (simply because I'm SOOOO nosy - we couldn't afford that house by any stretch of the ARM) but is that rude as a neighbor to come and poke through a house that you KNOW you aren't going to buy? Yes, I would think so. I wonder how many crooks case places during open houses?

Other than those two plans, my weekend should be pretty calm. I need to pack up some craft supplies and return them cuz the elastic I got is WAY too thick, and maybe work on a couple of designs.
The client hasn't popped yet - she isn't actually due until next week (and knows when she concieved) so I suspect I won't get a call until late next week or early the week after that.

Can you BELIEVE it's the middle of March?? Next Tuesday will be my one YEAR anniversary here, which really has no significance besides the fact that it means I can quit and not have to pay them back for moving me here.  I realized that I won't be vested for THREE freaking years - HAH! I guess I'll be walking away from another unvested account. Not that I plan on quitting on the 22nd or anything - but dude - THREE years? Sheesh.

It's also St. Patty's Day! The closest thing I am to Irish is the fact that my birth name ws McFarland, and I loike BEER!! I will however, be staying away from the drunken crazies this weekend. I got wrestling tickets for hubby last month, and the show is on Monday, so I figure I'll have to deal with enough crazies there. God, I MUST love that man.

Okay. That's all for this morning. It's Friday, so I suspect there is a survey in my future.

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