Friday, March 17, 2006

I'm so Surveylicious - times TWO!

I'm almost CERTAIN I've used that title

My Personal DNA Report - I'm a Reserved Creator

That links you to My Personal DNA Report - and it's actually frighteningly accurate. Very cool though, VERY cool.

I'll continue updating as I find other FUN! surveys. Or, ya'll could ask me questions?


1. What is your occupation? System Analyst for a huge manufacturing company.
2. What color is your underwear? Underwear? Ummm - cranberry, I believe.
3. What are you listening to right now? My coworkers keyboard clickclicking.
4. What was the last thing you ate? Gah. Greasy pepperoni pizza.
5. Do you wish on stars? Only falling ones.
6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Blue, I think. One of the really deep, dark blues that you had to write with to be sure it was blue and not black.
7. How is the weather right now? GORGEOUS!! 60, partly cloudy, breezy.
8. Last person you spoke to on the phone? Ummm - a coworker in South Africa.
9. Do you like the person who sent you this email? Email? Email?
10. How old are you today? 29.
11. Favorite drink? Red Wine.
12. Favorite sport to watch? Not so much into the watching of sports. All of my coworkers have run off to watch some college boys play basketball and I'm all like - damn that, I'm going HOME.
13. Have you ever dyed your hair? Yep. Many, many, many times. Always natural colors though - even in college I was never ballsy (or crazy) enough to go green. Blue or purple is tempting though
14. Favorite perfume? I actaully very rarely wear perfume, cuz I smell so SHEXZAY. But when I do, I wear a men's cologne called Pi. Yeah, it's for boys, but damn it smells good on me.
15. Pets? One cat - zee Fhat Bhastard (also known as Giovanni the Don)
16. Favorite month? May.
17. Favorite food? Ugh, you mentioned food.
18. Last movie you've seen? Like - on a big screen? Doom, I think. Like - on a TV? Ummm - Independance Day.
19. Favorite day of the year? I don't have a favorite one.... though Friday(s) are pretty high up on the list
20. What do you do to vent anger? Cuss, usually. If I can't cuss, I cry. If I can't cuss OR cry, I tear up paper into very,very,very, very tiny pieces
21. Fall or Spring? Spring!
22. Hugs or kisses? Oh - hugs AND kisses, dammit.
23. Cherry or Blueberry? Fruit or flavor? Fruit - Cherry. Flavor - Blueberry
24. Do you want your friends to email (note) you back? *narrows eyes* They better!
25. Who is most likely to respond? Oh. you mean respond to the SURVEY. Um - none?
26. Who is least likely to respond? Like - duh?
27. Living arrangements? Gorgeous two bedroom ( ie bedroom and library) lofted apartment with hubby and the Don.
28. When was the last time you cried? Ohhh - it's been a while. Actually - that's not true. I cried with laughter at hubby earlier this week. He is SOOOOO farking funny!
29. What is on the floor of your closet? Um. Clothes my ass is too fat to get into anymore, and my VERY ghetto solution to hating dressers (I don't know why!) an open suitcase that holds my undies. Everything else gets hung or folded on a shelf.
30. Who is the friend you have had the longest? Does my mom count? If not, Nee - I met her the first day of UpwardBound - oh my god. Like. 14 YEARS ago. No way. *counts frantically* Holy SHIT.
31. What did you do last night? Played with FIMO, read more Wheel of Time, halfwatched some really bad TV, laughed at/with my hubby.
32. Favorite smell? Pre-rain.
33. What inspires you? It depends.
34. What are you afraid of? Dying poor and homeless.
35. Plain, cheese or spicy hamburgers? Extra cheese, extra spice please! Onions, ONLY if they are cooked, no pickles but lots of relish, spicy mustard, lettuce and tomatoes. *groans* Ugh. You HAD to bring up food again, didn'tcha?
36. Favorite car? Oh man - I LOVE my car (despite the odd high pitched squeaky sound it makes). If I could have ANY car in the world? Hah, I'd have to leave the country because NONE of them are roadapproved on this side of the Atlantic. Yes, I like to speed - what of it?
37. Favorite dog breed? Um - is there a non smelly kind?
38. Number of keys on your key ring? *thinks* I have two, actually. One is the keyring that is hooked to my wallet. I've got two keys on there - the master key to the house and the key to the back screen door (which we almost NEVER lock). On my car keyring, all I have is the car key and the security beep-beep thing.  Don't want to warp the steering column, ya know.
39. How many years at your current job? It'll be one in 3 days.
40. Favorite day of the week? FRIDAY, definitely.
41. How many states have you lived in? Oh holy cow. Okay. DC, MA, NY, OH, KY, TN, IN, CT, GA, FL, RI, PA- I think that's it. 12 all together.
42. How many cities have you lived in/name them: Oh good gracious! Oh, Hell no. Let's talk about since Highschool shall we, because we moved WAY too much when I was little. Let's see - Chester, PA, Atlanta Ga, Titusville FL, Indianapolis IN, Memphis TN. (Is it really frightening that I say Tenn-nuh-kee in my head?? Hip Hop is the DEVIL!)
43. If you were a fictional character, who would you be? Evie from The Mummy and The Mummy Returns and Scorpion King. OOohhh, Dwanye.

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