Thursday, March 16, 2006


Ya know - something really hit me yesterday.  C had to get his car fixed, and when I went and checked the bank account, we were like 120 bucks in the hole - and he doesn't get paid until next week.  I KNEW that I could cover it (borrowing from a very laid back Peter to pay a bitch ass, charge you 32 dollars a DAY Paul) but I was still all 'oh my god! we are sooooo BROKE!!!' for most of the day.
Then, ya know, something hit me. We aren't broke, in the least. We are - quite comfortable actually, compared to the rest of the world (and not just the rich slice of it we see on TV). We can more or less eat what we want, live where we want, wear clothes that are new, and stay warm. It's not CHEAP - but we certainly aren't broke. We have enough 'wiggleroom' that while tragedy could strike - it's not very likely. And we have enough room for - little pleasures.

So, on my way home last night, I brought two bottles of this:

(it's a REALLLLLY good, REALLLLY cheap (8.99) California Champange) just to celebrate the fact that we live the kind of life in which we CAN, if we want to, buy Champange.

It's not the we are ungrateful for the things that we have - it's just that sometimes, it's the little things that we are sometimes LEAST grateful for that really matter the most.

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