Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Bits & Pieces

Bit 1) Argh. I have a coworker, that I reallly don't like. I've never really liked him, but lately - he's just REALLY getting on my nerves. *thinks* I know I'm young, and I know I'm still rather new to the team, and I think he has certain ideas about women, and then he's just so farking DRY and DULL - but - I really just don't like him. Something about him rubs me the wrong way. I think it's from the fact that he tries his damndest to ignore me. We might me in a meeting, in a conversation, and I'll say something - and it's just like I didn't even say a word. I might be working on a problem with a coworker, and he'll just TOTALLY ignore me - I mean, he won't even LOOK at me when I'm talking. And I mean damn, I'm more often RIGHT than I am wrong - *shakes head* I just don't get it. And it's not very overt - it's not overt enough for me to bring it to the attention of my boss (don't want to come off as the over sensitve youngun) - but it's overt enough that it bugs the living daylights out of me.  I'm guessing he doesn't like me much either, and that's fine - but fuck, at least work WITH me, okay?

Bit 2) So, I did some curbcollecting this morning on my way to work. One of my neighbors had tossed out some tiki torches (I'm assuming because the fluid ran out - even though it WAS refillable *shrugs*) and I scooped those bad boys up in a heartbeat - they will be perfect for supporting my bigger/heavier plants. I haven't touch my garden yet - I need to at least plant some lettuce and some herbs while it's still cool, otherwise they'll all die off once it's hot again like it did last year.

Piece 1) Me & the Boy went to see the WWE SuperShow (taped SmackDown and live RAW) last night - it was actually REALLY good, except for one thing. There was this - woman - behind us. She was - very, very, VERY enthusiastic. She was, in fact, so enthusiastic, that people on the FLOOR were looking up at us. And mind you - FedEx Forum is NOT a small place, and we were on the - 2nd? 3rd? level up? Oh My God, I'm getting another headache just from THINKING about how loud she was. And high pitched - did I mention high pitched? *groans* We actually left the show early - partly because of her, and partly because we were both just wiped out, but it was a really good show. We haven't watched the taped version yet - I want to see if we can hear her from the ringside mics - she was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO loud. *laughs* Funnily enough, her brother was one of the Beer Guys - I told C that the ability to be loud must run in their genes.

Bit & Piece) Um, I'm done. Hah!

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