Tuesday, March 14, 2006

The Festivals

So, I did a little thinking and introspection around the calendar and the seasons and so forth - and I realized that what was really BOTHERING me was the idea that there might be a celebration like - Imboloc, for example which is specifically designed to celebrate the start of spring - but it might be in August! Which, of course, wouldn't really work. I realized that a much smarter thing to do - before I get bogged down in the idea that the Kemetic calendar of Festivals WON'T work for me - is to see what the festivals actually ARE. And of course, most places just list the festivals, without mentioning their meaning UNLESS you are a member of their church. PHhhhhpt! Solitaries RULE!

I also need to put together a - conversion chart, between the Kemetic Calendar, and this one. *frowns* Since it's supposed to be ceremonial, I could start each year with the New Moon after Sirius rising. *thinks* But then, I'll miss the five day gap between Memphis & Memphis. Hm. I think I'll keep it simple, and say that the end of the year is on August 5th, and the start of the year is August 10 (11th on those special years) and be done with it. But - I WILL include Full Moon Festivals each Month.

Season: Innundation
Netjer of the Season: Hapi
Month: Thuthi Netjer of the Month:Thoth
1 Month of Thuthi begins. Feast of Thoth, Opet Festival: marriage of Wasir & Aset (Isis & Osiris)
3 Birthday of Aten
7Feast of Anket: welcoming the rising of the Nile
9 Queen Hatshepsut's Birthday
10Festival ofthe Goddess of Weaving (Hedjihotep)
17Festival of the Dead: Sunset Ceremony
19Festival of Nut & Ra; Chief Festival of Thoth
25Day of Sekhmet's repulsion of Set; Also Wasirian (Osirian) Mysteries: Feast of Lights of Aset (Isis)
26Day of battle between Heru (Horus) and Set; Aset gains the Horns of Het-Hert (Hathor)
27Day of Peace between Heru and Set
30 Rituals in the Temples of Ra, Heru (Horus) and Wasir (Osiris)
Month: Paopi Netjer of the Month:Ptah
1Month of Paopi Begins
2Procession of Heru to Neith
3 Tehuti(Thoth) orders the healing of the eye of Heru (Horus)
5Feast of Montu
6 Great Feast of the Netjeru (Gods & Goddesses)
9Day of Jubilation in the heart of Ra
10 Procession of Bast; Birthday of Nut
12Bithtday of Het-Hert (Hathor)
13Day of Satisfying the Hearts of the Ennead
14Day Heru receives the White Crown
16 Feast of Wasir (Osiris)
18Ceremony of Transformation through Anpu (Anubis)
19Ceremony of Raising the Djed Pillar
21 Neith Goes forth to Atum
27 Festival of lighting the fires of Nieth
30 Land in Festival for Ra, Wasir, and Heru
Month: Hethara Netjer of the Month:Het-Hert (Hathor)
1 Month of Hethara begins; Feast of Het-hert (Hathor)
5 Autum Equinox; Honors to Het-hert
6Ritual of the the Netjeru of the Two Lands
7 Honors offered to Atum
8The going forth of Aset (Isis)
12 Wasir (Osiris) goes forth to Abydos; Purification of the hearts of the Netjeru; Feast of Hapi: Creatiing of the Nile
15 Contemplation of the Fertility of Min
16 Day of the appearance of the eight Great Names of Netjer (Primordials)
17 Landing of the Great Names of Netjer in Abydos; Lamentations of Aset (Isis)and Nebet-Het (Nephthys) for Wasir (Osiris).
18Festival of Het-Hert (Hathor).
20 Bast appears to Ra.
21 Feast Day of Ma'at .
23 Ra judges the dispute of Set and Heru (Horus).
24Aset (Isis) goes forth
26The Black Land is given to Heru (Horus); The Red Land is given to Set
28Festival of establishing Heru as King;The appearance before Ptah
29Feast of the Three Noble Ladies
Month: Koiak Netjer of the Month:Sekhmet
1 Month of Koiak Begins; The Feast of Sekhmet
2 The Netjeru in festivity
4Festivals for Sebek
5 Het-Hert (Hathor) goes forth to Her people
7 Festival for Serquet (Selket); Ceremony of Thehuti (Thoth)
11 Feast of Wasir (Osiris) in Abydos
12 Day of Transformation into the Bennu Bird (Phoenix)
13Going forth of Het-Hert (Hathor) and the Ennead
14 Celebration of the Netjert of Weaving and Fate; Coming forth of the Bennu transformed.
15 Feast of Sekhmet Bast Ra
17 Festival of Het-Hert (Hathor). The people and the Netjeru judge the speeches of the crew of the Solar Barge in Heliopolis
21 Raising the Djed Pillar
22 Ploughing the Earth
27 Aset (Isis) seeks the body of Wasir (Osiris)
28Aset (Isis) grieves the loss of Wasir (Osiris)
29Aset (Isis) rejoices as She finds Wasir (Osiris)
30Ennead feast in the House of Ra, Heru (Horus) and Wasir (Osiris); Invocation and offering to the Spirits (khu)
Peret (Spring)
Netjer of the Season:Khepri
Season: Sowing
Month: Tybi Netjer of the Month:Min
1Month of Tybi begins; Heb Sed Festival; Festival of Bast
5 Day of Sekhmet and the Purifying Flame
9 Day of Offerings to Sekhmet
13 Feast of Het-Hert (Hathor) and Sekhmet; Day of prolonging life and the goodness of Ma'at
18 Going forth of the Netjeru of Abydos
20Bast goes forth from Bubastis
21Bast guards the Two Lands; Day of offerings to the Shemsu (followers) of Ra
23 Feast of Neith
28 The Day of Tehuti's taking the oath
29 The appearance of the Hu and Sia; Tehuti (Thoth) sends Bast and Sekhmet to guide Egypt
30 Day of crossing before Nun in the Temple of Hapi
Month: Mechir Netjer of the Month:Rekhur
1Month of Mechir begins; Festival of the Little Heat; Day of Ptah lifting up Ra with His hands
2Day the Netjeru of Heaven receive Ra
3 Set goes forth
6Winter Solstice; Feast of Aset (Isis)
8 Festival of the Great Heat; Feast Day of Het-Hert (Hathor)
10Birth of Heru (Horus) the child of Aset (Isis) ; Going forth of Wadjet singing in Heliopolis;Day of Elevating the Great Netjert (Goddess) in all Her names & manifestations
11Feast of Neith; Birth of Sebek (Sobek)
13 Day of Sekhmet going forth to Letopolis
16Feast of Sekhmet
17Day of keeping the things of Wasir (Osiris) in the hands of Anpu (Anubis)
20 Day of Nut and Raet proceeding southward
22 Feast of Ptah and Heru (Horus)
23 Festival of Aset (Isis)
24 Festival of Aset (Isis); Birth of Aion
26 Going forth of Min to Coptus; Aset sees Wasir's face
27 Feast of Sokar
Month: PamenotNetjer of the Month:Amun-Ra
1 Month of Pamenot begins; Feast of entering Heaven and the Two Lands
5The brilliant festival of lights as Neith goes forth from Sais
6Going forth of Yinepu (Anubis); Festival of jubilation for Wasir i(Osiris)n Busiris
8 Day of making way for Khnum
9 Day of Het-Hert (Hathor)
10 Day of coming of Tehuti (Thoth)
13 Tehuti and and the khu go forth
16 Day of opening the doors and couts at Karnak
18Feast of Nut
19 Missing Holiday
22 Birthday of Apep (Apophis)
23 Feast of Heru
26Day of unseen in in the Underworld
28Feast of Wasir (Osiris) in Abydos
30Feast of Wasir (Osiris) in Busiris; The Doorways of the Horizon are opened
Month: Parmutit Netjer of the Month:Renenutet
1Month of Parmuti Begins
2Geb proceeds to Busiris to see Anpu (Anubis)
7 Min goes forth in festivity
8Day of coutning the parts of the Eye of Heru
13Day of Nut
16 Going forth of Khepri
17 Going forth of Set, Son of Nut
19 Feast of Ra in His Barge at Heliopolis
27 End of the World by Sekhmet
29 Adoration of Uneffer
30 Offerings to Ra, Wasir, Heru, Ptah, Sokar and Atum
Shemu (Summer)
Netjer of the Season: Khonsu-Ra
Month: PachonsNetjer of the Month:Khonsu
1 Month of Pachons begins; Feast of Heru and His Companions
5Feast of the good soul for sexual fertility
6Spring Equinox; Harvest Festival; Festival of restructuring the Heavens; Coming forth of the Great Ones from the House of Ra
8Festival of Aset (Isis)
10Day the Shining Ones of Heaven move upstream
14 Day of the cutting out of the tongue of Sobek
17Day of Het-Hert (Hathor)
18 Day of Joy of the Ennead and crew of Ra
19Day of the counting of Tehuti (Thoth) who heard Ma'at
20 Ma'at judges the souls before the Netjeru
30 Celebrations in the House of Ra, Wasir (Osiris), and Heru (Horus)
Month:Payni Netjer of the Month:Heru (Horus)
1Month of Payni Begins; Festival of Heru; Festival of Bast
2Holiday of Ra and his Shemsu (followers)
7 Feast of Wadjet (Udjet or Buto)
13The Ennead sails throughout the land
18Wasir (Osiris) goes forth from His mountain
21Day of the living children of Nut
25The Akhet eye pleases Ra
26Going forth of Neith along the river
28 Day of purification of all things.
30Tehuti (Thoth) appears with Shu to bring back Tefnut
Month:Epipi Netjer of the Month:Wadjet
1Month of Epipi begins; Festivals of Het-Hert and Bast; Great feast of the Southern heavens
2The Netjerts (Goddesses) feast in their temples
5Het-Hert (Hathor) returns to Punt: the Netjeru are saddened
7Sailing of the Netjeru after Het-Hert (Hathor)
12 Holiday of the receiving of Ra
15 Heru hears prayer in the presence of the Netjeru
16 Ma'at is taken to Ra in Heliopolis
18Ma'at and Ra go forth in secret
29 Festival of Mut: feeding of the Netjeru
30Ceremony of Heru the Beloved
Month:Mesore Netjer of the Month:Heru-Khuiti
1Month of Mesore begins
2Ma'at unites as one with all the Netjeru of the heavens
3Feast of Raet; Feast of Het-Hert as Sirius
4Day of the procession of Sopdu, the Warrior
5Day of appearance of Min
7Anpu travels to every necropolis
8 Summer Solstice; Wadjet ceremony
10 Anpu (Anubis) Ceremony
13Holiday for the Shemsu of Heru (Shemsu-Hor)
15 Ra goes forth to propitiate the Nun
19the Wadjet eye has returned complete
22 Feast of Anpu (Anubis) with the Children of Nut and Geb
28 Feast of Min
29 Holiday in the Temple of Sokar; Festival of the Estate of Ptah
30Birthday of Ra
Egyptian CalendarFestival/Celebration
1Birthday of Wasir (Osiris)
2Birthday of Heru-Dunawhy
3Birthday of Set
4irthday of Aset (Isis)
5Birthday of Nebet-Het (Nephthys)

There is so much information about the festivals - and of course, everyone has their own name for them, and since the dates don't always match up it's - interesting, to say the least.
The links to actual details about the festivals (meanings, how they were observed) will go here.


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