Friday, June 30, 2006



I suspect this is going to be the longest day EVER. Day before a four day weekend, I'm bored out of my gourd, it's cold in the building, and I have CRAMPS. I'm still in a good mood  - but man, I'm SO out of here at 3pm.
Edited: Amazing - sitting on the toilet really DOES help cramps!!! Them laboring women got something going on there.

Let's see - plans for the weekend?

1) Pull the poison oak from around the garden.
2) Finish Halfway pulling down that horrid, horrid ass wallpaper and prime the walls
3) Start unpacking books!! *
4) Clean bathroom
5) Readjust budget for C's actual income
6) Call Gramma
7) Tighten the fan lights
8) Clean the ash out of the driveway
9) Take down hideouso curtains

Hmm... I think that's about it. Now! About unpacking the books (finally, finally!) we were going to wait, so that the library could be all painted and stuff, and we could do the wall bookshelves. But - then I started thinking. We don't plan on moving out of here anytime soon, and we do plan on having kids, and those two rooms ('library' and 'exercise room') were definitely going to be converted to kids rooms at some point - so why decorate them so PERMANENTLY, when we know we're going to have to change them? But then, the question becomes - where do we put the BOOKS??
So - after much, much, MUCH discussion with hubby mine (who simply doesn't think longterm- it's - interesting) we agreed that the 'family' room (the room in the front of the house with the fireplace and hideous curtains) would become the library/family room. As I told him, based on the family that we ARE, and the kind of family we are likely to HAVE - having the books in the family room just - makes sense. Period. So!  Did I mention how much discussion this took? Like - an hours worth. *shakes head* He can be so - resistant about the ODDEST things. Personally, I think he was freaking a bit about having to think about actually HAVING kids - not just 'yeah, and we will call him CJ' but actually saying - Yes, we need BEDROOMS for the 'kids'. Hah. Scaredycat.  
Besides, having a fireplace in the library is just - shexay. So! Until buns start popping, the 'library' will become my craft room (clay! paint! sewing!!!!!!!!!!) and the back room will stay as the exercise room.

It's interesting, because I've been thinking about our house - and how - to use the space we have wisely. (Ohh, books will insulate the walls too!) - and having a 'formal' dining room (which really, won't be used that often - we RARELY sit down and eat dinner together due to schedule conflicts) and a usually empty 'family' room (no TV in that room, ever - so we are usually in the living room where the TV is - even if we are reading) just felt - WRONG - to me. Using the family room as a library, the dining room as a dining room (which C was stuck on - it'll be interesting seeing how often we really USE it) and 'reserving' bedrooms for children feels - righter. And, if we (for whatever reason) never have kids - well, *grins* we'll have a permanent craft room AND a permanent exercise room. If we do have kids - the crafts will come upstairs into our 'bonus' room, and the exercise stuff will be set up in the game room when it's actually in USE, and stored the rest of the time.

Yes, yes.

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