Wednesday, May 31, 2000

Returning to...

Ahhh…. I have missed my house so much…. I have missed my COMPUTER so much…. I realize that I am sorely sorely addicted. *shrugs * It isn’t too bad of a thing though, I think it is better than being addicted to the idiot box of a TV. I had to go to the airport after work today to collect my suitcase. The bag that I had taken with me was missing two of it’s wheels, but since I Had been in cars the whole time, I didn’t really notice it..but when I got dropped off at the airport I realized that there was no way in hell I was going to be able to carry that heavy, no– wheeled suitcase home with me on the bus… or even close to home. So I left it there and brought back an even bigger bags (that has all its wheels and is much easier to maneuver) to collect my stuff. I still haven’t unpacked, but that is mainly because I fell asleep almost as soon as I finished eating when I got home. Anyhow, I will have to pack the big bag up again as soon as I unpack it because that will have the stuff I am taking to Indy with me in it.

I am so enthused about moving… I can’t wait to get someplace that will be really mine. I mean this apartment that I am in now is mine, but I always knew in the back of my mind that it was only a stopping place before I went towards bigger and better things. The apartment I am going to find when I am in Indy tho, that IS the bigger and better thing. And since the apartments are so freaking cheap.. I am sure that I will be able to get something verry verry nice. Everything is together… all in one piece and the like. *smiles * I am so thrilled that nothing has happened to my place the entire time that I have lived here.. it is kinda nice. Makes me feel much better about living in the ghetto.

I have decided to write old entries from the days that I was gone in the order that they should be in.… There are some repercussions from the trip that I need to talk about… but I think I will wait until I have told all about the trip. It’s amazing how I can remember each day what I wanted to write about…mainly because I fixed in my head.. hmmm I want to write this in the OD when I get back. The OD has become a storehouse of my memories and my emotions and my feelings…. Some place that I can go back to later and look at and say yeah.. that is what was going through my head then… have I grown in understanding of it? And then of course there is the wonderful feedback from all the people out here…. *smiles * Blessings heaped upon blessings and then some….

Stay Jazzed.

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