Monday, May 22, 2000

The ties that bind and GAG

Okay… as much as I sometimes moan and groan about how much I would like to have had a larger family, or to at least KNOW the rest of my family…other times I thank the creator that I don’t have any more of these crazy people because they would drive me nutty.

I love my mother unabashedly, unashamedly and fully. She doesn’t actually get on my nerves half as much as she used to, and that is saying a lot. However, she still has her own little odd ass quirks that bug me. Like lying. :) Okay… that sounds slightly worse than it actually is, but the ugly part is she is lying on ME. In a good way…. Like most of my family (uncle & grandmother included) have been deluded by her into thinking that not ONLY did I never take a break from school, but that I still managed to get a dual degree major AND that I didn’t take out any loans doing so. Mind you, even though this is completely contrary to what is REALLY going on, she persists. Personally… I don’t really care. I have (in my humble opinion) done a damn good job just to graduate… with anything… and with ONLY a year’s worth of loans. Thus, I have staunchly refused to get caught up in her little fairy tale world… and I have warned her that I won’t bite my tongue… :) if folx cal me on it I will just direct them to her. * sighs * what a tangled web.

And then there is my grandmother… who uses being old as her excuse not to do anything that she doesn’t want to do, being under the amazing impression that we won’t argue with her over it all the same. I sweat… I thought that if I heard ‘When you get older you can’t…. blah blah blah’ ONE more time…. I was really gonna scream. I still love her to the ends of the earth and back… but no where is it written that as you get older you have to start mentally experiencing rigor mortis. I shan’t even touch on how her and the Cat Pack (as I call them) nicely ruined my graduation dinner…but maybe I was being a selfish brat. *sighs * But then again, maybe I wasn’t.

Then there is the Cat pack. I have NEVER in all of my days seen two people who could be so hateful to each other. And the sad part is they are so hateful and argumentative with each other that nothing they do, even expressions of ‘affection’ with each other is unblemished by barely suppressed rage. They snap at each other like kicked dogs finding something weaker than it is, and they argue simply to hear the others voice. If my uncle had said, ‘My, isn’t the sky a lovely blue today’ she would have to come back with ‘Oh, R. it’s OBVIOUSLY periwinkle’ with the requisite roll of the eyes and snap of the neck.

*groans* Can you see how this would drive me wild? I am so not confrontational that I have been called passive, and both my mom & me have learned the delightful art of being still & silent when there is really nothing to be said. So to be cooped up in a car with these two perpetual chatterbirds, and added to it the fact that my uncle has been so spoiled (and still is so spoiled) by his 75 year old mother that anything he says is holy Grail to her…. let’s just say it makes for an ugly scene. My mother and I would sit in the front of the car and just trade glances of amazement at the scene going on in the back of the car.

All this is to say that tomorrow… when we get on the plane to leave, I will be overjoyed and blissed to be getting away from them once again for a long time.

Stay Jazzed

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