Tuesday, August 8, 2006

I finally updated my fotki with my henna pictures, and realized that I have neglected to take any good, post-oxidation pictures - I need to take pictures of my twists as the are now (the oil makes them look even darker), and then also take pictures of my loose hair - so I can see growth, as well as to check out what color my roots are.

I'm slowly beginning to accept the fact that no matter how much henna I use, I'll most likely not be able to get anything redder than a dark auburn on my hair - but ya know what? For the length, I'm willing to go for that. And then of course, I've still got just a TINY smidgen of hope that my hair will actually look even vaguely reddish for a while. *grins* Both me and my husband love me with 'tips' of a different color, so I'll definitely leave the dyed bits on til they just fall off on their own.

I tried to cornrow my hair after I posted the previous entry, and HAH! HAH! I say. I could get about to my ear on both sides, and then the combo of big head/short hair caused me to give up, and I just braided it into three outwards pointing braids on either side of my part. So, I suppose that makes my 'starting' length like - zero? *LOL*

Then, for SOME possesed reason, I tried to comb it out dry the next day. *sigh* you would think I would learn, at some point, that no matter how tight I might pull my braids, the ends WILL tangle - and I CANNOT comb through them dry without breakage. I finally broke down, and used a bit of my spritizer, and some WP, and managed to comb through it enough to put the twists in with some ORS Lock & Twist Gel. My hair was still pretty stretched out though, so it was easy putting the twists in - it took about 3.5 hours. I think that next time I should try for bigger twists - but I honestly don't know how to do them - my hands just automatically select a clump of hair that leaves me with rather small twists. I think that I'm worried about looking like I have 'dooky' twists - esp with my hair this short. But - I suppose a good compromise would be to make them bigger as my hair gets longer - that way, I SHOULD be able to keep my twisting rate around 4 hours for a while.

I've been taking the MSM and O369 every day since Monday (*LOL*) and the MSM is officially nasty, but mixing it with a little faux Crystal Light makes it edible - and I have a little coffee cup (paper) on my desk that I use basically as a shot glass to squeeze down the MSM and the O369 every morning. I take one O369 at breakfast, along with my badly measured MSM (I need to get a measuring spoon to leave at work). I take another O369 around lunch time, and I haven't been taking the dinnertime one yet - I want to see how my body acts with jsut these two.

Okay - it's almost time to go home, so I'm done.

They look really good - not nearly as fuzzy as they were last time, and I've gone two whole DAYS without putting any water in my head. I've given my scalp a good rubdown with the SS oil (that I added more rosemary and cedarwood EO too) every night, and they are still looking tight - I will DEFINITELY have to use gel in my hair to do twists from now on - which makes sense, considering how soft and flyaway my hair is - it needs something to keep it in check.

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