Tuesday, August 1, 2006

Hmm... I might not make it two weeks with the twists. I don't know if it's the fact that I used WP rather than gel in my twists this time, but they are fuzzier than a bunnies bottom, and it's only TUESDAY! Plus, I'm sure that my latest trick for stopping me from pulling on my hair (massaging my scalp) isn't helping keep the fuzzies down either - nor is the daily wetting. But! If it only takes me three hours to twist my hair - humph, I'd be willing to do it every weekend. The question is - would I do the henna every week, or stick to every two weeks?

I LOVE the way my hair feels - and as I'm not doing anything unusual to it, I know it's the henna. The strands feel like silk thread - SUPER smooth and slick, strong, but with a good little bit of stretch. It's amazing. The strands also feel thicker too - like they are bigger than normal. However, I must admit, I haven't had a full, loose head of hair my NATURAL color since *thinks* 97? - and I wonder how much the color has made my hair thinner. A hair shed a few days ago (A hair! [b]A[/b] hair! *delighted giggle*) and I noticed that the black part of the hair was distinctly THICKER than the reddish part of the hair. For a while, I thought my strands looked so fine because of the color (so it wasn't showing up fully against the light) but now, I'm wondering if they looked finer because they WERE finer, because of the color. If that's the case, I'm REALLY excited to see what my natural hair looks like - I might actually have medium/coarse hair, not the super fine stuff that I think I have.
And it's SOOOO shiny. and soft. *strokes hair gently*

I saw this girl at Home Depot last night who had these really cute two strand twists (with the fake hair) and I asked her how much they were - 180.00. ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY DOLLARS? For some thing that lasts maybe 10 weeks? 18 bucks a week, roughly 2.50 a day - and I was so shocked, I forgot to ask her if that included the hair. Shhheeee-freaking-WEEE!!! That's a very healthy chunk of change - why did I want to get my hair braided again?? *LOL* Oh yeah, to protect it. Umph. I don't know, I don't know. Maybe cornrows, with my own hair? But, I think I'd look a bit bald....so, I don't know. I really need to teach myself how to cornrow my own hair....that would make things EVER so much easier.

As I was driving in to work this morning, I started thinking about my short left side again, and I wonder - how much effect could the fact that I ALWAYS drive with my windows down have? That's a LOT of air whipping against that side (and only that side, sunroof or not) of my hair - I wonder if that - esp, when it's out in a fro - might add to the breakage. That's - gale force winds - rushing through my hair. I don't know - I might start wearing a scarf to work and home - cuz I KNOW I'm not going to roll my windows up!

Out of next weeks allowance, I'm going to get some MSM. I'm taking a multivitamin (chewable CENTRUM!! how cool is THAT??) already, for general health reasons, and as I HATE taking pills, I figure suffering through a spoonful of MSM in the morning wouldn't be SOO bad. It's not too expensive in powder form either - and I'm really excited to see if it encourages my hair growth/keeps it going through the winter. So - as far as hair 'stuff' goes - I'm currently using:

Honey: to keep it soft
White Rain Conditioner: to keep it clean (I'm thinking about using up the last of it in my henna's, and then going WO).
Oyin's HoneyHemp: to keep it moisturized
Oyin's Whipped Pudding: to style it
Spritzer: I've made this, but I don't USE it much. It's - honey, olive oil, ACV, a touch of HH, and water. I've used it twice, but it smells too much of ACV. oooohh!! I'm going to get some EO's in a swap that I'm doing, so maybe adding a touch of rosemary and a touch of ylang-ylang to it will make it smell nicer. I would like to be able to 'refresh' my twists WITHOUT drenching them in the shower -I think that's one of the reasons they've gone fuzzy so fast - and I suspect that the spritzer would be perfect. I could use the Greg Juice, but - Ick. My hair attracts/catches all sorts of stuff NOW, the last thing I need to do is add something that would make it sticky.

Isn't that an amazingly short list of products? I'm SOOO not a product junkie - I'm too cheap, and I'm NOT a big fan of change. I'll TRY new stuff - after figuring out exactly what I need/want it to do, and the ingredients that should do so - and if it works (like the honey) I keep it. If it doesn't (like the Qhemet stuff) I swap it/sell it/give it away. I'm going to be adding (or at least trying out)

Sweet Success Oil: for scalp massages - I think I'll do one nightly once I get home from work. Oooh, I betcha hubby would like a scalp massage too *giggles*. As it gets cooler, I can see me sitting on the deck, staring at the yard, massaging my hair. *sigh* Man, I can't wait to quit. *shakeshead*

MSM: for hair growth - this stuff seems to be something that is needed in GENERAL by the body, and the fact that it makes hair grow is an EXCELLENT side effect - oh yeah!!

So.... I don't think that's too bad. I have this future image of me in my head - a scarf wrapped around my crown, and this huge, glowing, shiny BUSH of reddish brown hair escaping out the back down my back. I think I'd be THRILLED with brastrap length hair, and you couldn't tell me NOTHING if I ever get waist length hair. *LOL* My mother would fall OUT.

Man, I'm SUCH a hippe.

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