Friday, August 18, 2006

Nope, not eaten by bears.....

Go on and swipe it, you know you want to.

A - is for age: 29
B - is for beer of choice: Michelob Amber Ultra (low-carb)
C - is for career: Ass-sitter
D - is for your dog's name: No doggies!
E - is for essential item you use everyday: Computer
F - is for favorite song at the moment: Um - Put Cha Sexy on by.......some fellow with an odd name - Lyfe Jennings!
G - is for favorite games to watch: whatever C happens to be playing
H - is for Hometown: Chester, Pa
I - is for instruments you play: None - though, I've been thinking about getting a drumdrumdrum
J - is for favorite juice?: Orange
K - is for last kiss?: C
L - is for last hug?: C
M - is for marriage: only once, only once
N - is for name of your best friends: Oh man....L, A, C & N
O - is for overnight hospital stays: 0
P - is for phobias: I honestly don’t think I have anything I’m phobic about.
Q - is for quote: It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society
R - biggest regret: Getting credit cards
S - is for status: Mawwied
T - is for time you wake up: 6:45AM
U - is for underwear: Cacquie string bikinis
V - is for vegetable you love: Broccoli!!
W - is for worst habit: Procrastination
Y - is for yummy food you make: Umm - everything?
Z - is for zodiac sign: Capricorn

It's 2:30 on a friday, I have a meeting at 3pm (hmm, I wonder if they ever gave a call-in number?) and I fully intend of leaving the INSTANT it's over. Life has been - rather sickeningly boring. Work, Home, Shop (sometimes), Sleep, Sex, playing with hair, cat, hubby, farting around with wallpaper and primer.

Okay, okay - I did go out camping and stuff - but - that was one of those experiences that rocked, yet are almost impossible to write about without violating several people's privacy as they were - unique.

Though, I have to admit, sitting in the dark staring at a fire listening to two shadowy forms talk about pulling out their vampire fangs and seducing 'donors' was rather - odd. I could never see who they were, and didn't know folx well enough to identify them by voice, but everytime someone spoke and was missing teeth, I worried.

I'm supposed to be going on a road trip Labor Day weekend - which means I'm going to miss out on the Labor Day Memphis Mafia OD Meetup *sighs* but - I haven't had a proper roadtrip with a buncha brilliant women in YEARS - I'll ahve to catch the OD'ers next year - maybe we could have it at our house!

*sticks out tongue at JHawk* ;)

Have a good weekend ya'll.

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