Wednesday, August 2, 2006

So! What's new?

My hair is still in something RESEMBLING twists - they are fuzzy as all get out though. I planned on untwisting them this morning and going to work in a twist out, but somehow I slept through the alarm clock and didn't get up until 8am - so, no time for the twistout. I just did my cool water rinse, and rubbed some HH through my hair.

My hair is still sleek, shiny, strong. I think that the oils are helping it stay supple too - the couple of twists that I've pulled apart and retwisted detangled in my fingers with no knots. I'm REALLLY looking forward to taking my hair out - I twisted it as soon as the henna came out, so I haven't had a chance to see/play in my texture.

It's funny - just having my hair twisted for this little bit of time has DEFINITELY convinced me that a) I need to keep my hair in protective styles to keep me fingers out of it and b) I will NOT be locing anytime soon. I sit at work and stroke the roots of my hair - where it's loose - just to feel the lovely bumpy texture.

And while I KNOW it's just plain not possible, I SWEAR that my twists look longer now than they did at the start of the week. My hair really does grow fast, I know that, but it can't possibly grow THAT fast.

I'm going to use the henna I had leftover from last week (mixed with some conditioner) and a bit of my mondo batch of henna I plan on making tonight (and freezing in individual ziploc packages - oh, must get some ziploc bags tonight!) to rehenna my hair tonight. I'm going to make it thinner, and I'm going to use a LOT less wine this time - last time I used a cup in 100g, and this time, I plan on using a cup in 400 grams - which, I think is about the ratio that I planned on using before. I'm going to freeze the henna by itself - no conditioner, no honey (I'm hoping that I get the essential oils in the mail today - I'd love to put a few drops in to flavor the henna) so that when I'm ready to do my hair, I can put those things in fresh.

What else is going on up there? Ah! The oils. So - I used a bit of the Queen Helene Stimulating oil last night after I used the SS oil, and - I really like how the QHS oil feels - it's - thinner, and jsut a touch oily, and it tingles - I think that was the menthol in it. I'm focusing with both oils on my hairline (I have a 'wavy' hairline that is populated almost solely with 'babyhair') and I would GREATLY like for that area to thicken up and grow. It's cute wet, but it NEVER stays in any style I make. I used a little more of the SS oil last night too - I broke my head into five sections, and then used a little more to hit the hairline. Even if it doesn't help my hair GROW, I love the way it makes my hair FEEL.

Speaking of good feeling hair - I'm seriously thinking about this whole WO thing, and trying to figure out how I can get it to work with the hennaing. As I was thinking about it, I realized that there is really no reason the two CAN'T work together.
Okay, true, I wouldn't be doing pure WO, because TECHNICALLY, I would be cowashing every week by using henna with conditioner in it - but is that a bad thing? I can WO during the week, and 'hennawash' on the weekend....and see what my scalp thinks. So far, nothing but water & leave in have hit my head all week, and while I can tell that it needs a GOOD rinse (with loose hair, cuz rinsing with twists in isn't the same AT ALL) - it still smells good, and it still feels good.

I'm vaguely worried (because of the proliferation of longer hair strands in the middle of my twists) that my hair is going to be all kinds of lopsided lengths when I take it out, and I'm going to need to trim it again loose, to try to get my hair to ROUGHLY the same length. I plan on checking that out and doing what's needed tonight, as my hair will be dry, and it should be mostly stretched I'll be able to get a good idea of the length.

WOoo - see, this is what happens when I skip a day or two of entries, I write the mondo massive entry of HAIR (dumdumdummmmmmmmm).

I think I only need five more posts to break 100. Whoohoooo!!!

ETA: Hey!! Page two!!! And - I got a trader rating!

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