Thursday, August 24, 2006


Sometimes, I realize I'm just an odd bird. Well, it's not that I'm unAWARE of the fact that I'm an odd bird, it jsut sometimes I'll do something exceptionally odd enough that I have to stop, and laugh at myself for being SUCH a odd bird.

We've finally bit the bullet and scheduled someone to come and tame the wilderness that is our yard.  I'm not even going to discuss the price, because it hurts my feelings, but really, if we had someone come out every month, it would end up being about the same amount. Damn, I must be sure to tell him to leave the remains in a nice big pile (compost, how I love thee!)

I've been in a distinctly odd mood lately - I haven't been READING. I haven't picked up a book in about two weeks now - which is - virtually unheard of. I think it's more because *weeps/hangs head in shame* our books STILL aren't freaking unpacked, so I don't have my usual selection - but at the same time, I'm kinda bored with the books I have.
I'm going to the library tomorrow in hopes of redeeming myself with some lovely fluff - any book recommendations? I'm actually willing to try anything - fiction, non-fiction, whatevah!

Me & The Boy are going to visit My Mommy over Thanksgiving - we plan on driving, as with the way things are going, you would have to PAY be to fly. Anal, angry, narrowminded, shortsighted, dumbasses. Besides, at this point, I might be on a no-fly list - name change or not, and that would REALLY piss me off. We wanted to extend the vaca and finally use one of the packages we got suckered into and go to Vegas, but he has to accrue vacation, so we're lucky to get that *still crossing fingers that he DOES get the time off*

Speaking of time off, I'm taking part of the week after Labor Day off - I plan on really buckling down, and getting the house set up. I know, I know, we've been there for damn near five months, and we're still half-assing it. Hoepfully, HomeDespot will have a good fan sale going on over Labor Day weekend, as that's our scheduled house thing. And by all that is HOLY - I WILL finish taking down that wallpaper and prime that bleeitybleepingbleep of a room. AND unpack my damn books.

European popdance is such fun music - my toes won't stop wiggling, and the only reason I'm not headbanging and generally making a plum fool of myself is because, well, I'm at work.

Speaking of work  - *gags self*. 
Though, to be honest, it's been mildly busy this week, and the more I HAVE to do, the more productive I am - interesting, eh? So, I've only been bored 60% of the time, rather than my usual 90%.  Hey, I'll take it when/where I can get it.

Hubby said I look like I'm losing weight. He's so sweet.....not saying he's a fibber or just trying to butter me up for some extra booty, but - umph. He's got a better eye than I do, or than the scale does.  I HAVE been eating (damn demanding body, wanting food every 3 hours or so - the NERVE!), and taking vitamins, and I FINALLY got my bleeeping keycard to get into the fitness center, so I'll be starting to go there and walk (at the VERY least) next week.  I'll most likely be sucked onto the weights too.

Really odd - last weekend, both me & C had some sort of stomach 'thing' (didn't feel sick, and the only thing we both ate were some fries) that caused - foul, liquid emissions from the orifice that normally produces solids. Then, earlier this week, G got 'something' that generated some of the RANKEST shit ever. Like - holy mother of god, what DIED and shat itself out rank.  I found it odd that EVERYONE in the house had stomach problems - human and non.  And unless the furry bastard is dumpster diving, we certainly didn't share the same food.

*debates whether it's too early to sneak out of work*

Hmm... I think I'll wrap this up, wander about the wide world of the 'net for a while, then escape. 

Home, sweet Jungle.... must take a picture of the madness so I can share our slothy homeowners shame with all ya'lll.

*smooches* babes!

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