Saturday, August 26, 2006

I had to go to Sally's today to get another applicator, as I forgot to get it Friday, and while there, of course, I had to drift through the aisles and see if anything looked interesting.

I considered buying some Humectress, considering all the RAVE reviews I have been hearing, but decided to NOT drop 18 bucks on 20 oz of conditioner that I KNOW I'm going to fly through. On another hair board I'm on, someone was asking whether the knock off stuff worked as well as the real thing. I'm waiting (patiently, patiently!) for my free sample of Humectress to show up in the mail, but figured while I was waiting - why not scoop up a 5 buck bottle of the knockoff stuff, and see how it worked? I also figured that it would be easier to tell a difference if I used the real thing AFTER I used the fake stuff. I would expect to see an OBVIOUS difference once I use the real stuff if they are really different. If I don't see much of a difference - or it's worse for my hair, then I know that the real deal isn't worth the money.

I plan on using it tomorrow once the henna comes off as a DT, bu t my debate is whether or not to add honey to it. I'm thinking that since it's supposed to be SUCH high class stuff, I won't. In fact, I definitely think I won't - I want to see how well it works (at 5 bucks for 16 oz) compared to the cheapo stuff (0.89 for 18 oz) plus honey. Once again, if I don't see an impressive difference - I know it's not worth it.

*nods* sounds like a plan.

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