Saturday, August 5, 2006

I just had a vision of what I want my hair to look like - the 'style' that I am reaching for is the perfect possible world. This is the star I am shooting for.

Last night, after I had tied my scarf over the henna hair, the end of the scarf hit me right at my tailbone - and I realized THAT is how long I want my hair to be - in a braid. I was thinking a little more about it today, and I don't want it to be that long in ONE braid - I want it to be that long from TWO braids - one on either side of my head. That way, I can bind them together at the bottom like they are one braid, and it would be an attractive (and simple) style to maintain.

Then, I thought about what it would look like out - would it be a pillow of hair? That's bigger than a halo - it would be like - HUGE. Oh my god, the size of that amount of hair - I don't know if it's possible. I have seen one black woman with hair that long - but only one. *grins* And sexy!!! Sheessshhh - just.... *nods* Yes Ma'am hot.

So - now I can actually measure, and see what length I'm shooting for. *smiles* I'm excited - I've got a GOAL now. And - I can measure my progress not by LENGTH of my loose hair (which, I've already figured out, is close to impossible to measure accurately) and instead measure by length of my BRAID. Right now, I don't think I would even make two cornrows - it's not long enough. So - that's my FIRST hair goal - getting my hair long enough to actually make two cornrows. Then, I can measure the length of how the cornrow changes every month. *grins*

Very happy, am I. Even if I only manage to reach the moon - it'll be SOMEWHERE. :)

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