Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Okay - let's catch up here.

I rinsed the henna out Sunday morning, as usual, and put the koHumectress in. I LIKED the smell, and it was really, really, thick, which is something that I've missed in the cheapie ones. I let it sit for about two hours, and then rinsed & tried to comb out.
Well. I'm not sure if the koHumctress is one of those kinds of conditioners that if you let stay on too long, it starts pulling moisture out of your hair or what, but - it was NOT pleasant. I rinsed it all out, mixed some V05 & honey together, and put that in my head.

Then, hubby called from work and said that he wanted to go out to eat - so I had to figure out what to do with my hair. I had been thinking about combing gel through my hair so see if I could hold onto the curls without them shrinking away to nothingness, and I figured - what better time? So, I mixed up some ORS L&T gel, a touch of olive oil and some HH, and slapped it into my hair, and combed it out. I have to say - I used a little bit too much, and I was worried about my hair drying in time to go out!! When I went to Sally's, I also got four large hair clips - two black and two white. I pulled out the black ones, and worked on making a semi-cute style sith my hair pullled back on either side, then a lil funky bang-type thing in the front.
I can't WAIT for my hair to get longer - it ALMOST worked, but my hair is still to 'choppy' lengthwise for it to look really nice. So, I just slapped it into a pufro, plucked out the edges, and let it dry. It looked really cute - all my curls were happily in tight lil spirals - nanoslinkyhead, as hubby called me.

I slept on it, and the next morning - YOUCH!! The gel had dried nice and crunchy, and my hair was SOOOO not feeling being combed out - so I just got it soaking wet, pulled it out as much as I could, and rocked another pufro. I knew that I wanted to twist on Monday night, so I wasn't too worried about it. I tossed a scarf over my head for my drive in to work, as I drive with the windows down, and didn't want the wind to force my wet hair to dry into a half high fro.
Interestingly enough, my hair was WET almost all day long - it didn't fully dry out until the ride HOME at the end of the day.

I knew that I was going to have to use some conditioner - to wash the gel out of my hair, as well as to give me enough slip to comb through it, so I figured I would give the koHumctress another chance. This time - it worked WONDERFULLY. I just got my hair really wet, tried to rinse out as much of the gel as I could, then squished the koHumectress into my hair. It was almost instantly soft, and the tangles loosened enough that I was able to comb through with almost no problems. My hair is still too short (on my poor, roughed up left side) to get a good grasp on to comb out the ends without tugging the roots, but the koHumectress did a pretty good job - gave me plenty of slip, and definitely cleaned all the gel out of my hair.

I rinsed it out, combed out my hair once more, then sat down to do some twists. I'm thinking it took about two and a half hours - comb/part/WP/Gel/twist. They are - medium size, I suppose, rather than my usual TINY ones. I'm working to be sure that I get used to making larger twists, so that I cna keep the twisting time to around two hours - anything longer starts to irk me - and I don't know WHAT I was tripping on with the 5-6 hour long twisting. I really think that combing my hair out WELL before I start twisting helps a lot - it makes the parting process ever so much easier.

I'm going out of town this weekend, so I think that I'm going to have to *weeps* skip a henna session....but wait! I'm taking the Labor Day holiday and a couple of days after that off - so I'll just henna late! Yesaah!!
Speaking of henna - my roots still laugh in the face of henna, so I better enjoy these red tips I have, cuz once they are gone, I'm back to my natural hair color. Ah well, I've got a year (or more) to get used to it, so I'll be fine. I simply REFUSE to bleach my hair again, so I'm going to have to work with the color that comes out o my head.

I've really gotten to like using stuff on my head that is edible. It makes SOO much sense to me - why would I want to use stuff on the OUTSIDE of me that would be POSIONOUS to the inside? I mean really, that can't POSSIBILY be healthy.
I've been thinking about trying to make a homemade conditioner - honey, powdered milk, olive oil and maybe some aloe vera..... Isn't that almost SMT? Hmm, I might need to look at that thread again.

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