Saturday, July 15, 2000

Boob Tube

It’s amazing the things you learn having a television.

I was never before aware of how ANYTHING and everything dealing with life has been turned into a moneymaker. I am simply astounded by the fact that aging, something that no of us can escape, and that is simply a part of life, has been turned into something to dread and to hold off by any means possible. I mean.. personally, I think that my first gray hair will be something that I am proud of. It will be proof positive that I have LIVED…that I am not just a young innocent thing anymore, that I hold some wisdom and some knowledge that might be worth something. However, if I believed the commercials, I would know that I need to be coloring away any sign of gray, moisturizing away the least indication of wrinkles, and god forbid that I admit that I will reach a point when I no longer have the stamina & energy of the 23 year old I used to be.

And the materialism..oh my god. The simple assumption that you NEED to have as many ‘things’ as possible in order to truly be happy. That if you don’t just run right out and by the latest thingamajig you will simply shrivel up & age away. *laughs* Oh…and of course there are the sixty & a half zillion ways to save time…and what are you supposed to do with all the time you save? Stay at work longer so you can make MORE money to buy more stuff. Ugh. *sighs* I totally thank my mother for keeping me away from this for so long. *shudders* TV is an amazing force…it’s a shame it isn’t used more for the good and less for the money. And it isn’t really the SHOWS that are the bad things…it’s the commercials.

Give me good music any day.

Stay Jazzed.

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