Friday, July 21, 2000

Goddess, Revisted

I wanted to do a run through of my Goddess ratings and see how much I agreed with them. When I first did it I knew that it was pretty on point, but I wanted to go through and really write about how on point it was or was not.

You scored 33% Aphrodite
If you are ruled mostly by Aphrodite, your femininity and passionate spirit are the controlling forces in your life. You tend to be charismatic and self-assured, comfortable with your body and unrestrained sexually. Men are drawn to you like bees to flowers, which satisfies your erotic nature. However, you tend not to form permanent attachments with lovers because you value your sexual freedom, which may leave you feeling lonely and even depleted once a relationship ends. To find and form a more lasting relationship, you need to add more of the goddess Hera to your life.

Interesting, mainly because it’s mostly true. At least the way I draw men to me like bees to honey, even though it seems to be the older, slower bees that I manage to pull in. And lately, the erotic side of me has been quite restrained, at least as far as sharing it with other is concerned. Comfy with my body? Yes…even though I hate it on occasion, most of the time I am pleased with what God gave me. Hmm…my relationships don’t usually end because of a desire for sexual freedom though. I haven’t quite figured out why they tend to end.

You scored 25% Persephone
If you exemplify the qualities of Persephone, you have most likely experienced great loss in your life -- the loss of your health or your emotional or physical security, the betrayal of a friend or lover, the loss of a child, your own divorce or that of your parents. This experience has forced you to face the dark, unenlightened side of yourself (the side that blames other people or circumstances for your own suffering) and transform yourself into a stronger, more independent, more accepting and more loving person. It may have also led you down a spiritual path, and moved you to place great emphasis on inner calm and on close connections with friends. You are capable of embracing, integrating and accepting difficult experiences. Because of that skill, you offer others the gift of empathy -- you know where they are or have been.

This one is REALLY good. I think that most people have lost something, but I know that I have faced that ‘dark, unenlightened’ side of me, and made her sit down & shut up. At the same time it is a bad thing, because I don’t allow myself to lean or rely on others…I’m just too used to people letting me down. The more important something is, the more I try to have plan that will allow me, and me alone to have the final say on whether it goes through. I can handle letting myself down, but I can’t handle others doing it. Inner calm? Oh my yes…once again though, maybe a bit too much. If the inner calm is created at the expense of all of my other emotions, then that is not a healthy thing. Close connections with friends? Yes, the few I have are my friends for life. Emphatic? *sighs * I always wanted to be like Deanna Troi on ST:TNG, because to be able to feel and relate to others feelings seemed like the most wonderful gift there could be. I try to be emphatic, but I try to give people a chance to keep the focus on themselves. My skill in that has gotten worse lately…

You scored 16% Artemis
If you are ruled by Artemis, your independent spirit belongs to no one but yourself. Your body is vibrant, your attitude robust and your manner vigorous and alive. You are driven by physical rather than mental energy. You feel complete without a man in your life and would never compromise your essential nature for a romantic partner. You are skilled at establishing personal boundaries and enter into relationships on your own terms -- in short, you can take care of yourself. This attitude may at times put men off.

Hm. All of this is true except for that physical rather than mental energy bit. It relates a lot to Persephone, in that because of my losses, I have become & created a very independent woman who takes damn good care of herself. Put men off? Hm. If they can’t handle me being the way I am…they can’t handle me. Would I ever consider changing? Perhaps…when I meet someone I can depend on like I depend on myself. Then I will be able to relax and know that I won’t think I’m leaning on someone to find out that I was really leaning on air.

You scored 16% Athena
If you are ruled by Athena, you are bright-eyed, shrewd, resourceful and inventive. With friends, you are the wise counselor -- always ready with an empowering message. You are believe strongly that women can accomplish anything men can. No wonder you put so much time into your career. Athena women tend to be ruled by their head, not by their heart. You carefully guard your intimate side, protecting your emotions and vulnerability. If you want to awaken your unexpressed womanliness, you'll have to use the same passion you apply to your intellectual achievements. It's important that you work to integrate your strong masculine side with your feminine side -- bringing together your strength with your vulnerability, your creativity with caring, your intelligence with imagination. Otherwise, you risk coming off as unaffectionate and self-righteous.

Hm. Okay…I can work with this one. Wise? Yeah, okay…only when it comes to other folx though. I KNOW that women can do anything that men can, plus a few more things. : ) I am ruled by logic (half-Vulcan anyone?) and in the process, my head controls. My heart is like a flag, blowing in the wind…but my head is like the flagpole, a fixed supporter. Hm. Awaken my unexpressed womanliness? Umph. Interesting… I am very ‘feminine’ in appearance, and very ‘masculine’ in my mind, and I like it that way. I have been called cold, which would refer to being unaffectionate, and it’s been claimed that I have the skill of looking down on people…self-righteous maybe? It’s interesting, because while I may appear to be that way…it isn’t the effect that I mean to give off. * sighs*

You scored 8% Demeter
If you fit the Demeter archetype, you are a nurturer and caretaker. You have a generous heart and enjoy extending your love to others. You are motivated by the most powerful of instincts -- to give life -- and selflessly devote yourself to the life you create. You feel compelled to care for all those around you, even if they are not your own children. In short, you feel the need to be all things to all people and, therefore, your own needs sometimes go unmet. You must learn to say no, and apply Artemis's sense of boundaries and Aphrodite's ability to put herself first. That way, you can give to others from an overflowing rather than a half-full cup.

Um no. * grins* Simply put, I can be a very selfish person. I nurture & take care of myself…and I am always a open shoulder to cry on, but all that other stuff? Nope.

You scored 0% Hestia
If you embody the qualities of Hestia, you understand the value of having your own sacred place, whether it's an actual room or simply a time of day when you free your mind of busy thoughts and experience peace of mind. There's no doubt this place is at home -- where you feel the most joy. Home is your sanctuary. You are at home with yourself wherever you are, though, and no matter whom you are with. You know that the meaning of your life springs from your spiritual center. This brings you a great sense of security. You do not crave attention or material possessions; you nurture your friends and family with your unconditional love.

I find it interesting that it says I had no Hestia in me. I LOVE my home…it is and always will be my main sanctuary. The spiritual center stuff?? Not really…I am not really spiritually rooted, and I still feel…secure. I wonder what kind of security they were talking about though. I LOVE attention… and as far as material possessions…umm me & my love/hate affair with money is a genetic trait. Unconditional love? No.

You scored 0% Hera
If you possess many of Hera's qualities, you tend to find fulfillment in relationships and look on marriage as a permanent union. In marriage, you feel no sense of frustration or resentment, because you are an equal partner with your spouse. You are confident and have no trouble asserting your authority in and out of the relationships. You seek men who are self-confident and successful, because you are comfortable with the concept that you can be fulfilled through him (and him through you). As long as your partner honors the marriage as much as you do and appreciates you, you will be happy. If he doesn't, you must concentrate on your own growth and discover an identity independent of him.

This one I totally agree with. Not a scrap of Hera do I have in me. I fulfill most of my needs, and those that I can’t fulfill, I tend to do without rather than looking for someone else to fill them for me. I’m a closed in little creature aren’t I?

Staying Divinely Jazzed.

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