Friday, July 14, 2000

Once Again

I wrote this years ago, for the young man who I gave my virginity to. *laughs* He was an amazing young man. He had so much vitality, so much intelligence, and so little urge to use it. I loved him so much, and it was more than just that ‘the first man you have sex with kinda love” , but I realized that he just wasn’t with me in so many different ways, and that me trying to force me into catching up, or even changing his ways a little would do neither of us any good. He had to change on his own, because he wanted to. When I wrote this I was alllll up into Nikki Giovanni and Nzotake Shange, so that is where the slightly odd spelling came from.

Somehow…it feels appropriate once again.

I wud light u in2 something beautiful
with the light of learning
then i wud light u
u must light yourself
i wud build u in2 a strong/beautiful/proud/noble/black/man
with the strength of my spirit
then i wud build u
u must build yourself
i wud show u the world
make u open your eyes
and your mind
then i wud force you
to open and see
u must see for yourself
i luv u
u must
and then
u will be worthy of me

Stay Jazzed

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