Saturday, July 22, 2000

Brain Fart

Words that I like the sound of like catharsis and calla lilly or maybe even prognosis they all have a wonderful way of sliding off of the tongue and bringing up memories of something else. Though really, prognosis I don’t quite understand. Hmm… words that spark songs maybe? I don’t know… I’m rambling for no apparent reason (as is obvious I’m sure) and I just figured what better to write about than words? Since you have to use them to write with right? *sighs* I sound mostly drunk…but really I’m not.

Let’s see.. what have I gotten done today? Hmm… woke up around 11… puttered around the house…cleaned up my living room…ate ‘lunch’ took a nice long nap… got awoken by one of my neighbors banging on my screen door *sighs* men. Got up, packed most of my clothes…puttered around some more…cooked & ate dinner. I have been online almost all day and feel so… so I don’t know the word for it. Even though I have been in the house for most of my life *laughs* I feel like there is something seriously wrong with me being such a homebody. I mean really… I am 23… shouldn’t I be out partying like a mad woman every weekend? Argh. I can’t wait to be GONE GONE GONE…*sighs* Okay….

Another Rant About TV ( from here on known as simply ARATV)
The wonderful commercials about credit management. Why do they say reduce your bills with a home equity loan? I know that I am not the best person about managing money, but really? You might be paying less every month, but you will have to pay more in that wonderful thing called interest. Is it really worth saving 50 dollars a month, when you will have to be paying those bills for an additional 5 years? *shrugs* I don’t know… why aren’t there any real honest commercials that tell people the best and in the long run cheapest way to manage your debt is to stop spending money and put more on the bills?? *sighs*
blah. blah. blah.

Stay Jazzed.

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