Monday, September 25, 2000

A rare Survey

How'd you come up with your OD nickname?
There was an OutKast song that came out in *thinks* 97 I guess, about this woman they called a Jazzybelle. It was a ride off of the old Jezebel figure, but with a hip-hop twist. I liked it because it seemed to combine my blossoming and sometimes overwhelming sexuality with the old southern lady/belle of the ball woman I strive to be.
Who do you think is a really cool person and why?
My mommy obviously. She has done so much with her life, and has gone through so much, yet she is still such a peaceful person. I don’t really think any famous people are cool. I think a few fictional characters are the cat’s meow (Deanna Troi, Jessica Atredies)
What do you know or understand that most people do not?
That silence is a precious commodity.
What do you assume about people based on their looks alone?
Hm. I try not to assume too much…but I can usually get a feel for how ‘free’ they are.
What kind of underwear do you usually wear?
Cotton semi-bikinis. I prefer dark colors (black & grey) or color colors. Not much of a white draws kinda girl…though I do have plenty of them for when the favorites get low.
If you became addicted to something (or something else), what would it be?
Food? Umm…anything salty & crunchy. Activity? Sleeping. Substance? Weed, most likely.
What do you dislike about yourself?
I am way too flexible. I bend so much I have hard time standing firm for anything. I am pessmistic to a fault. I weigh too much. I am ambitious and lazy.
What do you like about yourself?
I am brilliant. I am fione. I am flexible. I am intuitive.
Is there anything about the person you love most in the world that you really hate? What is it?
Nah. She is wonderful.
Is there anything about someone you really dislike that you like or are attracted to?
Tsk. Nope… when I don’t like somebody, I just plain & simple don’t LIKE them.
If you could invent a new type of fruit, what would it be like?
Ummm… a cross between a strawberry and a apple. It would taste like strawberry, look like and apple, and have the substance of a ripe pear.
If you could invent a new type of animal, what would it be like?
Hm. A cat that talked and had fingers. *laughs* Boy… talk about an interesting life.
If you had your way, what would your own personal Heaven be like?
A huge island, with everything on it that I needed to be happy. Including the love of my life & friends.
If you could have one magical power, what would it be?
What fairytale or nursery rhyme meant a lot to you or made you really think as a child?
I didn’t really read nursey ryhmes or fairy tales as a kid. I skipped past them and went straight to grown-up books.
If you were a child again, what would you do differently knowing what you know now?
Exercise more. Make more friends. Fight like hell to be allowed to go to school. Join a ballet class.
Is there anything that you long to do, but never get around to doing it? Why?
Yeah…take a dance class and a photography class. Why? No money, too lazy.
If your pets could talk, what do you think they'd most likely say? Do you think you'd like them to retain the power?
*laughs* Oh my… I don’t have any, but if I had one I would love for them to be able to talk. And yeah…I would want them to keep the power.
Do you say that you're sorry when you realize you're wrong? Does it embarrass you to say that you're sorry?
Yes, I say I am sorry. It doesn’t embarrass me, but it tends to make me cry if I have reallllly messed up.
What do you wish your parents had done differently when raising you?
Made me play outside.
Do you wish you had more or less time alone?
I have enough time alone. I want to be alone with somebody.
What is the best gift you can think of getting for Christmas/Hanukkah, and who would give it to you?
Hm. A lifetime supply of film.
If you were to invent something really useful, what would it do?
I’d invent beaming, as in Star Trek. Very practical.
What are some of your predictions for the future of our world?
Machines will get very small. The gap between the first and third world will grow. The gap between well educated people who can adapt to the new technologies and those who can’t adapt will grow. We will have more knowledge than ever before. We will hopefully find cures for Cancer and AIDS and other Viral Infections. Or, in the more miserable ideas…we will kill ourselves, either with biological warfare, nuclear warfare, or disease.
Is there a common thread as to why your enemies dislike you? what is it?
I don’t have any enemies.
What one food would your render calorie free if you could?
SmartFood Popcorn
If there were a market for it, what type of business would you like to own, run, or frequent? (feel free to get creative)
A coffeshop/bookstore/art gallery. Obviously.
What would money look like if you could design it?
Ugh. I would get rid of it and convert it all to fingerprint access cards.
What Open Diarist do you think you have a little crush on, or think nicely of?
Hm. I don’t have a crush on anybody. I like all of them, other wise they would not be a favorite.
What season were you born in?
Are you happy with your birthday? If you could pick any day to have been born, what would it be?
I like my birthday…I wouldn’t change it.
Do you believe in past lives?
Yes. I think I was a Royal Egyptian Cat in a past life.
Do you believe in guardian angels?
Not sure.
What is your greatest talent?
Being honest and logical.
If you could wake up tomorrow having gained one talent, what would it be?
Being able to change my form.
If you could go back and live for 2 weeks in ANY time period and in any part of the world you wanted, when would it be and where? (Note: going back wouldn't change history, you would merely be an observer.)
During the building of the Pyramids. I want to see how they did it.

What do you believe the most useful invention of the 20th century was? (Note: has to be a single invention, can't be the *development* of anything or a series of inventions.)
The mechanical engine
If you had to pick up and relocate to another country, never to return to your home country again, what country would you move to, and why?
Puerto Rico. It would be warm, and I would only have to learn one new language.
What book do you wish you had written?
Love Poems, by Nikki Giovanni
What is the one historical event you would change (as in, erase it completely from ever happening)?
Slavery. At least the Trans-Atlantic version.
If you could own any famous painting and hang it in your house, which one would you pick?
Monet – Water Lillies.
What moments in your life do you wish you could live over again?
The Summers of ’92, ’93, and ’94.
The period from May 29th 2000 and Jun 26th 20000.
What is your earliest memory?
My auntie and my mother playfully tormenting me in the tub with funny foam.
Have you ever truly hated someone? Do you still? How did it affect you?
Hated? Hm. maybe, maybe not. My stepfather is most likely the closet I have ever gotten to hate.
Are you happy with your given name?
Yes. For a while I didn’t like it, but I have gotten used to it.
Do you think it should be illegal for new parents to name their children truly horrible names?
No, but I do think that the child should be able to change it as soon as they want to.
What is the one thing in your life that you regret NOT doing?
Not telling LittleOne how much I loved him from the beginning.
How much money would it take to get you to give up the internet (email, chatting, surfing--EVERYTHING) for one year? How about forever?
For a year? 10 million. Forever? *shakes head* I can’t put a price on that.
If you won the lottery (let's say 1 million or more), would you go back and give a nice chunk of money to the cashier that sold you the ticket?
Only if they gave me the numbers. Otherwise, nope.
If you were picked to be on Survivor II, what would be your luxury item?
Um. A huge journal and a pen.
If you could totally and completely give up sleep, would you do it?
Maybe, if I could still keep dreaming.
If you could totally and completely give up food, would you?
Nahh… I like eating.
Would you have chosen to be your gender if you had been given the choice? Why or why not?
Yes. I enjoy being a woman...I have so many more options than a man.
If a perfect stranger was a perfect match for a kidney donation, and it would cause you a minimum amount of discomfort, would you do it?
Yes. Why wouldn’t I?
When you die, will you donate your organs? If you are an organ donor, is there anything you would want them to leave in your body?
I am an Organ Donor, yes. And I will give all my Organs. I won’t need them, when I am dead.
In your opinion, how far should someone go to stop a person from driving drunk (if you believe they should be stopped at all)?
As far as possible. Up to and including tying them up and bopping them on the back of the head.
What religion are you? If your religion had never existed, what religion would you be today?
None. *laughs* Still none.
What is the worst crime you have ever commited?
On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the best), how would you (honestly) rate your physical appearance?
7 or so.......
On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the best), how would you (honestly) rate your intelligence compared to other people your age?
Do you believe it is wrong to marry only for money, if both partners agree to the situation?
Yes…that is a business agreement, not a marriage.
If money (for education) were no object and you had children of school age, would you send them to public school, private school, parochial school, boarding school in another country, or would you homeschool them?
Home school.
Should rapists be executed?
No, they should be raped.
Who honestly has it easier in life, women or men?
If you found your soulmate, and they were of a different race (as in, something significant, like black/white, etc) than you, would you marry them anyway?
Hell yeah.
If you found your soulmate, and they were of a different religion than you, would you marry them anyway?
Of course.
Have you ever seriously considered committing suicide. (As in, had a plan, etc?)
No. Vaguely thought about, wondering about the easiest way to do it.
If you could change one thing about your body, what would you change?
ONE thing!?! My weight.
What is the meanest thing you've ever done to someone? Did you ever apologize for it?
Mean? I don’t know… I rarely do cruel things.
What was the situation in which you felt the loneliest you have ever felt in your life?
When I had the abortion and there was no one there with me. Or afterwards. Or before.
Have you ever (honestly) had a true friend (spouses don't count!)?
Yes. Or at least I thought I did…

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