Tuesday, September 5, 2000

All About Moi.

“Catharsis: The Story of Me”

I have known that was going to be the title of my autobiography ever since I have even considered HAVING an autobiography. In fact, that was the title of the first OD diary I had, before JazzyBelle.

hmm… What would the main chapters be? Well… There would have to be at least one about my blood family, listing just how generally twisted they are. There would be one about my heart family, talking about how we met, and just how twisted THEY are. :) There would be one about my fathers, one about my lovers, one all about my mommy. It would start at 9th grade I think, with the occasional flashback. I would have to have a chapter of sex tales…and one of random comments. It would be one of those kind of books that you can read all the way through, or you can just pick and choose chapters. Where would it end? I don’t know…maybe it would close on me, sipping on something, staring at the sun setting over the ocean from my personal island. Somehow, I never see my life as being all wrapped up and over with. I suppose it would have to keep going until my death…and it would be nice if I was dying sipping on something, staring at the setting sun over the ocean from my personal island. :) Yeah….and even then, I hope that my life would not be done with. I hope that there will still be some part of me going on, something that I set in motion that kept moving on long after I am dead.

Stay Jazzed.

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