Monday, September 11, 2000

Thought flow

I am wayyyyy to impressionable. I read both of the Bridget Jones books last night (quite funny.. had me cracking up) and today I have been going around with this little cheerful chippy British girl in my head going ‘v.g.!’ and “bloody hell” and making me want to chop my sentences short and leave off…ah what are they...prepositions mebbe? Not sure, but it is very interesting. *shakes head* I don’t even follow that *sighs*

Then there was this dream I had that I was a concubine to a Sheik who sold me to American slave traders and who thoroughly seduced the captain of the ship I was on. As I woke up, he was just in the process of giving me a treasure chest full of lovely jewelry. Hmph…but the main reason I mention it is because I had a head full of gorgeous locks…and that just seemed to me to be a sign that it is getting closer to the time when I need to get locks put in my head. The only problem is that I WANT sisterlocks ™ and the closest places are Detroit & Columbus. *sighs* Can we talk about COST??? I mean the process itself is expensive as all get out… I’d hate to think of the cost once I add in airfare. But….It either that or waste money by keep getting braids put in. I hope they are at least a little cheaper here. Hmm… it looks like Detroit is my best choice flight price wise. Ugh ugh ugh!! Hey.. what about greyhound? *smiles* Silly girl.

That loooks MUCH MUCH better. I would be going to Columbus as it is much closer. :) I’m making plans now. Speaking of which… I wrote out this long long rant earlier today about me planning stuff and then it falling through… or me worrying about my plans falling through. But back to my hair. I am going to have to make a decision soon, because either my hair is growing remarkably fast, or the braids I got were shoddy ( obviously I’d much prefer the first) , but whatever he case, I am looking less & less up my standard. And mercy KNOWS they won’t last for another month & a half which was my original expectation. Ugh.

Hmm… had a bit of a flying dream too. *sighs* And it’s funny… in the dream I was thinking SEE! I KNEW I could fly while awake, and it wasn’t until I woke up that I realized how absurd that was. *sighs* IIIIII just wanna fly. Clearly I’m bored. and my keyboard is noisy. Ugh.

Stay Jazzed.

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