Tuesday, September 19, 2000


in the sea wind
my toes rooted
to the center of the world
my arms raised
hands like twin moons
I take in
the sea
the sky
the sun
and become whole

I got my new CD’s from Columbia house yesterday, and one of the ones I got was Jazzyfatnastees The Once and Future . Can I say that these sisters are jamming? They remind me of someone but I can’t figure out who. They are singing…forgive me sanging and it is a really peaceful groove. Especially the songs Unconventional Ways and Related to Me .

I’m all disturbed. My innards feel all flip-floppy, like there is something that I was supposed to do and have neglected for so long that nothing can fix it. I think I might just need some sleep (I am going home and going STRAIGHT to bed tonight…really),but…I think it is something more. Something is nagging at the edges of my mind, and I wish it would just be bold and step out, or I would be bold enough to pry into myself and figure it out. I feel like I am forgetting to breathe, and am living on borrowed air and memories.

I have to do something for my mommy. I have been reading through some of my favorites diaries, and talking to people, and I realize that the peacefully beautifully strong relationship I have with my mother is priceless. I can honestly say that I LOVE my mother, without any hesitations, without any quibbles, without even the thought that she could change. She is perfect just the way she is…*smiles* for an example… I WANT to turn into my mother as I get older. I think that nothing else would make me feel better that to grow into the woman that she is.

*shivers* I’m all emotional for no clear reason…and I’m not even hormonal. Ugh. This sucks. Maybe it’s the music. I have been listening to these women all last night, and all day today (since I’ve been at work). But the music you listen it reflects your mood… right? I can’t imagine listening to anything else right now…

Stay Jazzed.

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