Tuesday, September 26, 2000


I have been running around a lot today, going on tours and going to meetings and learning stuff and going out to lunch and all that jazz. Thus, I haven’t written the normal 3 or 5 entries that I had been pulling before. Anyhow, I actually enjoyed today. It is too damn old outside, and I am still stubbornly refusing to wear a coat, but everything’s pretty jazzy.

I am for once not stressing over the whole Chef thing. Mainly because he said he was going to call me last night and didn’t. The first chink in the aura of perfection. *sighs* What a relief to finally see it. Though, I have to admit I have been checking my voice mail to see if he has dropped me a line. *shrugs* Hey, you can’t expect me to change THAT fast, now can you?

I went out kinda shopping yesterday, I had to get some REAL earrings for myself. The little dull ones I had were not holding up to my new short black hair. In the process I saw this lovely ring. It’s interesting because it is a ‘diamond’ ring, and as much as I don’t like ‘diamonds’, this ring is LOVELY. I think I might go back and get it. I got my security deposit back today, and so I have more extra cash to throw away randomly. :) I figure I might as well pretend to be living large. I think that instead of paying that extra months worth of rent, I might get some furniture instead. At least a dining room set, and possibly a computer desk. I think I will head out to Value City Furniture this weekend and see what I can find. :) I might as well do something useful with this unbugdeted money, since I can’t get a car. I want a new stereo system too, because the one that I have (and have had since freshman year in high school) is reallllly starting to fall apart now. *sighs*

I talk about money too much. Money, men and my weight…that is what my life has narrowed itself down too and it is really way too stereotypical. I brought a mess of film when I went to Walmart, so I think I will do some scouting for photography this weekend too. Even though, in all honesty, all I have to do is look out of my window in the morning. Speaking of which, I saw the most beautiful thing this morning…as I woke up, the rising sun and the tiniest crescent of a moon were in the sky at the same time. In fact, you could almost SEE the whole moon, but only a tiny crescent of it was lit. It was a total eclipse that wasn’t. If the timing had been different, I think that it wold have ended up being a total eclipse. How cool would that have been?? *sighs* Anyhow…I hope I see it tomorrow morning too…simply gorgeous.

I got dye under my nails, and they are this lovely…purplish color, like I have bruised fingernails. I finally took of the one coat of polish I had put on one hand this morning (right as I was missing my bus) but I think I will polish them tonight. I brought a whole bunch of polish a while ago…since it was on sale for half price, I figured I might as well but twice as much as I usually would. I need to trim my cuticles too…I clipped my toenails this morning too (no wonder I was late). Hmm… about 10 minutes left. *yawns* I have been remarkably sleepy lately too. Most likely all the *gasps* carbs I have been eating. Bloated and sleepy… that’s me. I have been weighing myself every evening after work. Not sure why… I just have been. I ordered a couple of exercise tapes as I joined the Columbia House Video Club…That will be cool to do. I was looking for a fitness channel thingy in the morning…but haven’t been able to find one.

Well… It’s a couple of minutes early, but by the time I put everything up and stop off in the ladies room, it will be time for me to go. Besides, I have a good book to read.

Stay Jazzed.

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