Friday, June 25, 1999

Strangers Of The Heart & Blessings

Eyes of my eyes
Soul of my soul
heart of my heart
staring from far away.

Okay…really odd things are happening around me. I keep seeing people that I KNOW I don’t know…but that I know. Makes no sense to you either? Okay…
1) This new guy who works here. His eyes…I look into them and I see someone that I knew, and knew quite well from high school. Who? I’m not sure…but I recognize this man.
2) I have been seeing CAK drifting around this city for a week or so…well not HIM but folx who resemble him closely…closely enough to have me doing double takes.
3) This woman I saw on the train yesterday.. I knew her from somewhere…stared at her…and she stared back. I am pretty sure I have never met her…but … we recognized each other.
4) The guy on the bus today… he asked me what perfume I was wearing…and when he smiled… I saw someone that I knew… only in the smile tho.
I REALLY would love to know what is up…I feel weird… I am always tired ( you know it’s bad when you WAKE up and the first thing you think is ‘god.. I’m so tired…’) my hands feel disconnected…my ears and palms itch & burn.. *sighs* I feel like a walking giggle shop sometimes…or a twitch factory… *sighs* I remember…while I was in high school there was a time when I was so stressed and just OUT of myself that I was allergic to my own sweat. *shudders* that had to be the WORST couple of weeks I have ever had. I don’t know what caused it, cuz it came and went all on it’s own…but I feel like that sometimes…just restless and aggravated and itchy all at once. *sighs*
Damn…I had something on my mind and I got up to go and do some work *yeech* and completely forgot what it was…impeding senility I tell you.
Reading Diaries inspired me to do this.
Knowing my self inspired me to put it here.

My Blessings

I have never been raped.
I have never been abused
I have never had to deal with a close death
I have never lost a parent
I have never lost a friend
I have been loved much
I have always had a home
I have an education
I still have awe & curiosity
I have friends
I have lovers
I have never been seriously ill
I have never had an STD
I am intelligent
I am beautiful (sometimes)
I can see
I can hear
I can feel & taste & smell
I have learned hard lessons
I have been granted much
I have given much
And through it all…I am STILL loved/loving.

Stick A fork in me… I’m done….

Stay Jazzed.

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