Monday, May 10, 1999

Dammit All Anyway.....

I had written a really good entry...full of deepthoughts and witty remarks. Then my computer crashed, and in despair I went to bed. Anyway...I'm not even going to try to replicate it, but I do still want to talk about the topic.

Of Wigs And Women

The first thing I want to talkabout is hair. I'm not sure if it is as big of a thing for white women as it is for black ones...but to us (me included) hair is a major thing. It can be a stumbling block or your path to beauty and fame. Hair. Long and straight. Short and natural (a la nappy). In between and confused.
Personally.. I have lwalys loved my hair. In it;'s anppy (a la natural) state. Me and my hair get along pretty darn well. I don;t ask of it more than it can give, and it doesn't act crazy right before I have to go out. A good deal. But soror gave me a wig. Nota big wig, but a cute little wig that gives me shoulder length super straight hair, and brings out my looks to POW instead of the usual wow. And I feel odd. Almost guilty even, because I like this hair so much. It has even gotten me to thinking about straightening MY hair...although I know full well that it wouldfall out and be hideous and ugly and I would have to cut it all off and start over again. But..the lure of the full think super shiny hair still pulls me in.
SO what shall I do? The attraction of the wig is that in a main part I can take it off any time I want to...(like when sleeping) and then put it back on again. Nie yes? perfect hair without any bother. I don't know...maybe it is just a indication of my desire for change.

Sex and the Human Mind

Something really is wrong with me. I realized earlier today that my libido has run away. The thought of sex sparks me up just about as much as the thought of gainng another 15 pds. Something that I would MUCH rather not do..but if it happens I'll live with it. *shudders* Wha is wtong with me?? I know that lack of libido is one of the signs of depression..but I mean SHEESH. Why? *sighs* know...I'm just gonna have to try harder to constant tiredness has something to do with that as well I'm sure...but why? Life is great...the weather is beautiful...I have money...*sighs* I don't
Stay Jazzed

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