Thursday, May 20, 1999 Sunday Morning.....


Okay.. so maybe I shouldn't have told CAK about this Diary.... I was reading his (and yeah it IS kinda unfair) and he said that he was a tad bit upset with me. *sighs* It isn't that I am trying to be closed, or even secretive. It is just that in my other Diary, I found myself editing.. not saying things that I was thinking because I wasn't sure that I really meant it, or because it might not come out right. here, I can say what ever I want.. and no one whose opinion really matters knows I'm here. *sighs* and I don't know if I will beas free once I know some one else is reading. If he finds me, well and good, but otherwise... nah..... as much s I love him I need a room of my own.

I am such a lurker. I have *thinks quickly* 9 diares on here that I follow on a daily basis, yet I can never seem to leavea note. Most of the notes I read sound SOOO insincere somehow.. Almost as if that person was writng a note simply to say 'I wuz here'. I think that these diaries spill too much of the person for anything to be left that does not live up to the outpouring of emotions that is above it. So unless I have somethng sincere and honest and heartfelt to say.. I simply nod...rejoice in their successes, weep in their hurts and hope that they all grow well. Papi Poeta, Firefly, DesertRein, Sylverling, Lasher, Serin, Blather, Gattaca & Jane Says.... I treasure the look into your life that you give me/us out here. Besides.. what can you REALLLY say in 250 characters?? Something tells me that might be the DM's next change...make the notes BIGGER!!! Although sometimes I wonder why is MY life so dead? *laughs* Most of these folx are right around my age, and they have been through & experienced so much more than me.. I feell like a lttle child.

THis office is always sooooooo freaking cold. I think that I will have to wear a sweater in here all year. And it gets really really bad when I come in wearing a light pretty summer dress and immeadaitely throw an old green tatty sweater over it. But at least I'm warm...and when I'm warm I'm not grumpy. And a grumpy Jazzybelle at work is a bad bad thing. Ah well.... let me go and work some. Work Some...Play some .... thati s how I manage to....

Stay Jazzed

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