Friday, June 3, 2005

and of course.....

the second I get home, I'm wide awake. *snort* figures.

Anyhow - I stole this a while ago, but never did it....

A is for age: 28
B is for booze: Sunset over Cancun
C is for career: Computer Crap
D is for dad's name: Rayford
E is for essential items to bring to a party: breath mints, and alcohol (as much as I drink it, I can NEVER spell it!)
F is for favourite song at the moment: ummm - don't really have one
G is for girlfriend: Nee
H is for hometown: Chester
I is for instruments you play: Air Guitar
J is for jam or jelly you like: Strawberry Jam
K is for kids: none, yet. *pout*
L is for living arrangements: lovely duplex.
M is for mom's name: Naeelah
N is for name of your best friend: *grins* Corey
O is for overnight hospital stays: none
P is for phobia[s]: none, really....
Q is for quote you like: do what thou wilt, and harm none
R is for relationship that lasted the longest: current
S is for sexual position: favorite? most often used? I need more detail here!.
T is for time you wake up: as late as possible
U is for unique trait: my random collection of useless facts 
V is for favourite vegetable: Spinach
W is for worst trait: Procrastination
X is for x-rays you've had: chest and dental
Y is for yummy food you make: Pasta ala Leftover (currently smelling up the house - and no, he didn't load the dishwasher. *rolls eyes*
Z is for zodiac sign: Capricorn

First job: Chester Library
First screen name: Jaguara (took me a while to remember that)
First funeral: I don't think I've every been to a funeral
First pet: Jihada, my evil ass cat
First piercing: Ears at 6 months
First tattoo: Flame on my right hip
First credit card: ChaseManhattan (the college signing up, put you in debt forever bastards)
First kiss: ohhh....Abdullah freshman year of highschool
First enemy: hmm....can't think of the first - the one I remeber most was Shelly, the bitch.
First favourite musician: TLC (I think)

Last car ride: Today on my way home
Last kiss: This morning
Last movie watched: ummm - Ronin
Last beverage drank: Beer
Last food consumed: an olive
Last phone call: Landlords brother calling about the rent - but C has the checkbook, ah well.
Last time showered: This morning.
Last CD played: I don't play no stiinkin CD's - but last song listened to? Ummm....something on the iPod
Last website visited: OD

Single or Taken: Married
Sex: female?
Birthday: January 13
Sign: didn't I answer this one already?
Siblings: Nil
Hair colour: dark strawberry blond
Eye colour: Dark brown
Shoe size: 8 1/2
Height: 5'5"
Wearing: old beat up sundress
Drinking: Beer

Ah yes, funness.


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