Friday, June 24, 2005

Never been so glad....

to see a week come to an end. Oh sweet heavens - it wasn't that I was SUPER busy - it was just that.....ehh.... I have been on high alert all week *gives support phone the evil eye* and I haven't been able to WORK OUT.  *gasp* I've had fond dreams of swimming all week.....hell, I might go to the pool tonight.

Let's see - as I was driving to work this morning, I was thinking 'This social life shit is TIRING!!' Not that I'm complaining (I've been having SOO much fun and meeting all kinds of new people) but I think that I'll have to schedule every other weekend for myself.  Tommorow, I have a book signing to go to at 1pm, then maybe swing by the Mexican Resturant where the Memphis Mafia will be, and then later that night having an early dinner with some new friends.  So - that's my whole Saturday bsuybusybusy....Sunday I plan on laying on the couch and veggin out with my hubby. I was considering being ballsy and going out alone tonight to a happy hour shindig - but BLEH. I was woke up this morning at 5:15 by that hateful phone, and I'm STILL dreaming too much at night.  Everytime I wake up, no matter why or what time, I'm waking out of  a dream. So, basically, I'm just - wiped. Geh.

What else? Really, my life has been dull this last week - work, home & more work, sleep. I feel bad - I SLEPT through C calling me to come and get him last night - I think he got a ride home with a co-worker, but I was totally knocked out. I wonder if it's close to period time - me & my mom suffer from cycle related anemia, and instead of PMS we get the sleepies. And of course, since we are both evil when short on sleep - it SEEMS like PMS, but it's really not.

In other cooter related news, I went to the OB/GYN yesterday.... it was a nice place - an all Women's physician group. Not nearly crunchy enough to be my doctor of choice - and I say that for two reasons. One, I was sitting in the little weigh/blood pressure office, and I was scanning the listing of handouts they had easily available. They had one for labor/delivery. They had one for c-section. They had one for induction. Did they have on for breastfeeding? Nope. *sigh* The other thing was, after the exam, she said - oh, I noticed that your NATURAL bacteria is a little over active - so here's a weeklong prescription for antibotics. Umm.  WHAAAAA??? So yeah - take the anti's, kills off my NATURAL flora, get a yeast infection because there's nothing to fight it, have to buy something to get rid of that, and then that starts a nasty little cycle. *snorts* She might as well have offered a douche coupon (which is about the worst thing you can do to your girls bits - once you start, you can NEVER stop......*wrinkles nose* well you CAN stop, but it ain't pleasant). So - it was cool to hae a black female OB,

And then - and OOOH!! I felt so bad for even thinking this - but this is part of my snarky side - when I was sitting in the waiting room, there was a woman there with a....maybe 2 month old little girl.... adorable baby! The baby was on the floor in one of those carry carseat things, and she was fussy....not really crying, or anything - but just - fussy. The mom (who was about my age I'd guess) would look at her and ask 'What do you want??' - in a not so nice tone of voice...and the baby would stop fussing for a while, and look at her, and then start fussing again. Now....I almost wanted to walk over and say 'Do you mind if I hold your baby??' *sigh* And I have to temper that with the simple fact that I've never HAD kids - but...why wouldn't you want to hold your baby? She wasn't doing anything else - just staring at the soaps on tv, and occasionally rocking the carseat with her foot. Is that something that is a side effect of planning on being an breastfeeding mom kind of person? I mean - just looking at that baby, she was ASKING to be held in the only way she knew how. *sigh*  BESIDES the fact that there is no way in HELL I would put my child on the FLOOR in a doctors office. Ew. Ew. EWWW.  *sigh* And then, I thought - hmm...that'll teach the baby to ask for comfort and consolation. That'll teach her that if she want's Mom's attention, she's going to have to act out, cry, and scream. Hmmm....or it'll teach her that she doesn't deserve to get Mom's attention, and she'll start giving up, and finding other things (like the pacifier that was swiftly popped into her mouth) to comfort her. *sigh*

I'm hungry.... I haven't eaten lunch yet, and as it's almost 3, there's no way I'm going to go and get something. I had my nose to the keyboard since around 9:30 this morning, and FINALLY finished what I was working on about an hour ago - but of course, I wasn't hungry then. So instead I'm typing out this entry, and listening to my iPod on shuffle...currently playing: Sexy M.F.  by Prince.  *does a quick lil bop*

Hmm... I think I've run out of stuff to talk about. The world news just pisses me off everytime I read it, so I'm not going to rehash any of the various rants I've spewed this week. I need to start reading my doula books again. I need to clean my house (men just don't SEE dirt, do they??). I need to water my plants - we've got TWO tomatoes now. Still no habernos though... and the lettuce died - I think due to lack of water. *hangs head* I'm going to make some penne tonight (reusing noodles - I made some NASTY pasta salad (which I blame on C as he didn't let the pasta cook long enough) and as I used a WHOLE BOX of penne, I refuse to just throw the whole thing away. So I'm going to was the salad sauce off of it, stick it back in some boiling water for a second, and use some of the herbs from the garden to make a nice little cream pasta.... *licks lips* I have half of a Lenny's sandiwch at home (dammit, I should have brought THAT to work with me - silly girl) that I was thinking about eating - but if I go home and clean the kitchen, I'm going to want to cook too.

Okay. I'm done.

Have a good weekend, ya'll.

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