Tuesday, June 7, 2005

*deep whiff*

I still smell like cholrine, shower and all. And heavens, I'm sooooooooooooooooo damn tired. Seriously. 2.5 hours in the pool, and I'm all like damn - can I go sleep now? But nnnooooo.......must.stay.awake.

Okay. Today's lesson - a little harder - learning more strokes. I will most CERTAINLY be doing ONLY the frogleg (frogkick? frogstroke?) on my back, as everything else causes me to inhale shitloads of water up my nose - a MOST  unpleasant sensation - I still feel like I have pool on the brain. *blinks* and we ain't even going to talk about the eyes - but ahhh.... such fun. And yeah, the left side of my body is MUCH weaker than the right - and I have MUCH less control over it. Must work on that.

I don't think I ever talked about our runaway cat. The patio has a gate (the infamous gate with the padlock) and since it doesn't close fully, we had to 'rig up' a kitty gate. SOMEHOW - and we've yet to figure out exactly how, as the gap (with the kitty gate) ain't THAT damn big - Nikki has managed to escape twice. He returned both times - the first time he came to the front door, and the last time he showed back up inside the patio. Since then, we won't let him out unless we are sitting out there - while G's fat ass can go out anytime he wants cuz not only does he have a deep and abiding affection for food, he's too damn fat to squeeze out the gate - even WITHOUT the kitty gate.
I bring it up, because now Nikki will sit at either the front or back door and YOWL until we tell him to shut up. I'm not sure if he's invoking the cat gods to give him FURTHER ability to slip through doors, or if he thinks his catly boys outside will let him out, or he thinks we'll get so sick of listening to him whine that we'll let him out. Hah. Not happening, slim shady.

*blinks* Damn, not even 10 yet. And I'm hungry - but I KNOW as soon as I sit down to eat, C is going to call. Gah.

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