Tuesday, June 7, 2005

Even more bodylicious stuff.....

See - this is why I have chapters, so that I can jsut shove all this stuff in one place.....But anyhow...
I don't have this problem now, but I KNOW I'll have it later - so let's just get this done now, eh? I'm going to shamelessly cut out the ones that I KNOW I won't do.

How to Stay Motivated to Exercise

1. Determine an attainable goal such as exercising twice on weekdays, once on weekends. Creating realistic goals will set you up for success. If your goal becomes too easy, you can always design a new one.
My goal - swimming Mon/Wed/Fri, and lifting weights Tues/Thur. If I FEEL like it - I'll do yoga at home on the weekends.

2. Create rewards for achieving your goal. The reward can be a massage, a new workout outfit, a new CD, a session with a personal trainer, or a new piece of sports equipment - whatever you really want.
I've got several goals - I'm going to plot out a reward for each...
215 pounds - a subscription to Fitness Rx (I think that's the GOOD fitness magazine for women)
199 pounds - An armband carrier for my iPod
170 pounds - (lowest weight!) - Salsa Classes
140 pounds - new tattoo
125 pounds - (final weight!) - holy shit, I've no clue. That deserves like a new CAR or something - I'll have to mull on that one for a bit.

3. Partner with a friend, co-worker or loved one - someone who will support you and your goals without sabotaging them.
Hmm.....this would certainly provide the needed kick in the booty that classes are now providing - anybody wanna be a workout partner?

4. Subscribe to a fitness magazine or online fitness newsletter. New tips and exercises can be inspirational and alleviate boredom.
See reward #1.

5. Create a competition with co-workers or friends. For example, the team whose members exercise for 30 minutes, three times each week for three months wins a prize. You decide what the prize is.
Gah. No, I soooo don't think so.

6. Change into your workout clothes. Sometimes, it's just a matter of getting dressed that causes the biggest barrier. 
Yup! I've noticed even at home, my clothing makes a difference. I think that I'm going to put on my workout clothes as SOON as I get home - that'll a good reminder that I need to get up and go workout!  

7. Erase the concept that if you can't do at least 30 minutes you're wasting your time. Exercise burns calories, increases energy, and improves your health - even in small doses.
Thankfully, I shouldn't have to worry about that - unless I have a late evening appointment, I will ALWAYS have TIME to exercise in the evening.

8. Try a new sport or class. Adding variety, group support and competition can increase your likelihood of exercising.
Hmm...the Y does offer a lot of free classes - but I think that the swimming/weights will caryy me for a while - I LIKE doing both of those things, so I don't think that I'll get bored.

10. Look for ways to incorporate activity into your day, even if you can't do your normal exercise routine. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, go bowling instead of to the movies, or use a push mower instead of a power mower.
Oohh... such a sedentary life I lead - no steps as I work on the first floor, and I don't have much of a choice in our house, I don't go out (dancing! must find a GOOD dance club!) and someone else does our lawn (thank heavens!) But - I suppose I could take the VERY long flight of steps in the library rather than the elevator.

11. Sign up for a race and send in the entry fee. Whatever your activity - running, biking, walking, swimming - there are hundreds of races offered all over the world. Pick a place you've always wanted to visit.
This one actually sounds cool as hell - but that'll be a little further in the future.

12. Join a gym. For some, paying for a membership increases the likelihood of compliance. It also eliminates the bad-weather excuse.

13. Keep a journal - Keep track of your workouts in a journal. It's a great tool to see your progress on paper.
Well, not quite on paper - but I figure OD is close enough.

17. Make an appointment
Hmmm.... I don't think I'll need this, as I'm doing it every day of the week.

18. Think about how good you will feel afterwards
I LOVE to swim!!! So I think that even if I DON'T feel like lifting, I'll go just to get in the water.

20. Staying motivated
Hah!! I just wanna be a hot momma!

21. Set goals - Set realistic goals that are somewhat flexible. For instance, I will exercise 3 times a week (but not on specific days). That way if you miss a day you can make it up. Don't start out too quickly. Vary your excersise routine to keep it interesting. 
Hmm... I don't THINK I'm asking too much of myself, considering all I do now is go home, get undressed, get online and dick around or read until I have to go pick up C.

22. Change is good - Don't do the same exercises all the time. After awhile they become boring to you as well as your muscles. Variety is the spice of life.
I WILL be interested in taking the Master Swimmer class at some point - one cool thing about swimming - different stokes!

25. Walk to the beat!
Ohhh!! That's what I can do on the weekends! I live in a LOVELY neighborhood - a nice walk with the iPod.


30. Display a current pic on your bathroom mirror - Put up a current or "fat" picture of yourself on your bathroom mirror. Everyday when you get up, you tell yourself that you are moving further from that picture (and the way you looked in it) because you will do your workout that day. Each day as you mentally prepare yourself to look better than the picture, you will be motivated to keep going.
*shudder* Ew. But, okay.

32. Stay Motivated - Cut out a photo of a fit person and a not so fit person. Tape them to your mirror or fridge and think, "Do I want to look like this, or like this?"
Ohh...this actually might be fun. Who's body do I think I could have?

34. Turn up the music - Play fast-paced music, even before you start working out. Whenever I feel like rolling over and dying rather than working out, I crank up the radio and it always gets me motivated.
Yup - I've got some house music from a friend of mine, that's my official going to the gym groove therapy.

38. Increase - Every time you work out, always try to increase your exercise by one weight or an extra 5-10 repetitions. This will motivate you to keep trying harder and get a better feeling for yourself knowing that you are improving.
Every time????!!! Ouch - I'll say every week.

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