Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Went swimming for real last night - like, not playing in the water, but actually swimming. Oh sweet mericful mother of god is that crap TIRING. I was breathing like a - like a - I don't even KNOW. Sheesh. I certainly felt very worked out. Did a wobbly 1/4 mile (9 laps). I saw it was wobbly, because I know that on at least two laps, I stopped about three strokes from the end of the pool due to either exhaustion, or the fact that I couldn't BREATHE. *gasssp* Well, going to have to work on that whole lung capacity thing. Gahhhhhhhh.....

After I swam, I did treat myself to a little play. :) I put on a belt and drifted in the deep end with the water aerobics ladies, then did a couple of headstands and so forth. All in all, I think I was in the pool for about 70 minutes. I was TIRED when I got out too - but not ravenously hungry like I was before. Though, I've noticed that I'm just - NOT - as hungry now. And even if I am, I can't eat nearly as much - I get full really quick.

Anyhoo - I think that I'm going to go and lift weights tonight....one nice thing about that is that I don't have to be there at a precise time - I need to get to the pool by 5:30pm so that I can get into a free lane during open swim, but the weight room is (obviously) always open, so I can go home, grab a quick bite to eat, change and head out to the gym again.

I'm trying to think of a weekly award for myself. *LOL* I almost want to make a sticker board like the little kids have for going their chores, and for every 20 stickers (4 weeks of going to the gym 5 days a week) I get something. I don't want the something to be too expensive (under 10 bucks), and it certainly can't be food.....hmmm.....I'll figure something out.

I think I may have pinpointed one of my sleep issues! Instead of waiting until I'm exhausted to go to sleep, I should go to BED a little early, and jsut lay there and let my mind unwind in the dark. I laid down early last night, and my mind was just spewing all kinds of random junk - bits of songs, random thoughts, just - STUFF.  And when I finally went to sleep - ahhhh....so restful it was. I still woke up out of a dream, but I woke up at 7:15 after going to sleep around 12:30am, and I was RESTED. So, I'm going to keep trying that.

Something else struck me today.  I have three 8 hour periods in my life.  One 8HP I work to pay the bills. One 8HP I rest to prepare myself for the next day. The last 8HP is mine - to learn/grow/develop/interact/LIVE as I should be.  I'm NOT going to let working to pay the bills interfere in either of the other two, and I'm going to have to be A LOT more consicous about what I do in that last 8HP.  I went to a booksigning Saturday, and while talking to the author, I mentioned that I've got some 'half done' books, that I just stop writing, and I haven't figured out why.  Honestly, I think that I stop because I think that they are crap. I don't - trust - myself, or my talent, enough to actually believe that I would be able to actually produce something beautiful and interesting. The response I gave though, was of course - I don't have the time. And that is SUCH a lie - the same lie that I used to talk myself out of exercising for so very long.  But - looking at my life in 8HP's, I see - that I have a whole EIGHT hours to work out, write, dance, talk to my husband, laugh, love, watch TV, read, play on the computer - whatever. And interestingly enough, I consider the time I spend driving from one place to another to be part of MY 8HP - largely because the iPod let's me listen to music....so I can do something that I enjoy, that brings me joy, that brings me peace, while I'm travelling from one place to another - much better for my mind than that crappy radio music.

Soo......yeah. I'm going to be exploring that concept a little bit more as time goes on......

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