Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Treats for me!!

So....me of the expensive tastes - I'm still throughly in love with my iPod, but I despise the headphones - I'm missing out on too much sound (okay, I'm spoiled too!!). So - I went looking for new headphones.  iPodLounge has some great reviews - and I've finally decided that I want these: (click on em to see the review....)

You did notice the comment about me of the expensive tastes, yes??? They retail for 150, and eBay (have I mentioned how much I love eBay lately??) has them for about 90 bucks - which isn't bad at all. So - at some point, I'll get those. *shakes head*  Expensive damn toy.

Speaking of expensive tastes and eBay, I set up a auto-search for the Softub, and I've found several - but NO ONE wants to ship the damn thing to us.  I found one person willing to ship it, and they wanted you to PREPAY 250.00 bucks. mind you, if you get it, it would still be a drop in the bucket compared to the retail price of 3 grand, but damn, ya'll....

I'm also eying an iPod carry case - I LOVE this one because it's upside down - which means that the screen is facing the RIGHT direction for you to read when you look down at your arm - how smartly smart is that?? I can't remember how much it costs - I think that was another 50 bucks or so.

I think that me &  C are going to mosey on down to our local bank on Friday, and HAH! see if he can get pre-approved for an auto loan. I seriously doubt that he can, and even with my additional UMPH behind him (and my almost fabulous bill paying record) but we'll see. *crosses fingers, toes, eyes, legs, and anything else that can be crossed*.  If he can *weeps with joy* I'll be so damn happy I might spit. If he does, we are going to go and get him a car THIS BLOODY WEEKEND. I swear.

Hmph. That's an really expensive treat for me, huh?

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