Thursday, June 2, 2005

post-lunch slow down

Well.....I actually filled up my morning with work - stil lworking on it, but it's a slow independantly running process, so I can take a few seconds here and there to play about in here.

Let's see - what's new? Actually listened to my iPod for most of the morning - music helps me focus and prevents me from getting bored - I also think that it makes the day go by faster, so all good things, all very good things. The battery life doesn't seem too bad either, as I haven't charged it for a few days, and even after listening to it for most of the day, it's only about a 1/3 used - so I'm pleased with that. I'm soooooooooooooo excited - after finding those two SUPER cheap music sites, I'm actually going to be able to limit myself to a reasonable allowance a month - and I will be able to get almost every single SCRAP of music I've ever wanted. It's soooooooooo sweet. *blows kisses to her iPod*

This 7am til 12am thing I'm doing is going to drive me BATTY.  I get up that early to go to work, and I usually stay up that late to pick C up and spend a little facetime with him before I go to bed - and oh. my. god - it's getting harder and harder to get out of bed each morning. Sometimes I feel like I'm just wading through the week til I can get to Saturday - because really, that's the best day of the week. And it's going to be around THREE MONTHS before we can save up enough to get him a car. *cries* When I go out of town on the weekends, we're going to have to get him a rental car so that he can get back and forth to work - *sigh* Anyone know a sweet old lady who has a car in almost pristine condition who's willing to trade for a month of homecooked meals and a couple hundred bucks? Please?

Shoot!! I need to pay the rent - *sigh* my landlord is so - odd. I've asked him SEVERAL times to give me his address so that I can mail in the rent payment, but does he? No - of course not. So, I'm just going to wait for him to call me about it and tell me when he wants to come and pick it up. I'm also deducting money from the rent, as he STILL hasn't lived up to his side of the cable bargain, and paid for our highspeed line, as he SAID that he would. *grump* Ah well.

We owe the library money too. I need to go home tonight, pick up the last book that we have out (oops!) and pay the fines for the other ones - also, I want to see if I can pick up a copy of Body for Life for Women before I buy it.

Okay - going to go and talk about my fitness stuff.

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