Friday, May 27, 2005

Biorhythmic Issues

I'm  dangerous when I'm obsessed with easy stuff - it fulfills both my lazy side and my perfectionist side.

Let's see - work today was aiight, but I was itching to get home to my new baby - my iPod. Oh yeah, this is going to be another ipodderific entry - but it should be short. Let's just say that I'm sitting here listening to my whole CD collection. As I told one of mah boys - this sucker ROCKS. The sound is glorious - though I have to admit I am considering getting another set of headphones, as you have to get these settled in your ears just right for the sound to be even.

I've gotten most of my songs, even the ones on the CD's that were almost too scratched to be usuable. I tried to upload them off of the CD twice more, then I brought them from iTunes. I actually got all but 15 off of the CD's - which really isn't bad - and most of the ones I had to buy were from an album that for some reason always gets rough treatment at my hands - but I LOVE the music - I've actually PURCHASED three (1, 2, 3) copies of hte same CD. I heart Mes'chell.

Suddenly I understand people who leave their TV's on mute all of the time - if you have your own persol soundtrack - why bother with their sound?

it's 5:20(am, girls & boys) and I've been up since 7am. I'm debating running a 24hr - I haven't done that in ages, but - I don't think I have anything interesting enough to keep me awake for another two hours.

I'll have more (like the runaway cattale) to tell tomorrow. I think I'll join the hubby in the wonderbed now.

Good Morning, ya'll.
(see, you know there is something wrong when as you turn off the tv to go to bed, you realize that you've been watching MTV's Video Wakeup for the last 1/2 hour).

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