Monday, May 2, 2005

Wonderful Weekend!!

Wow!! Even though we didn't go to the Music Fest (too cold & too wet), we had LOADS of fun....

First of course, there was the FABULOUS housewarming at PrincessaP's new crib - LOVELY place!! I can't wait til we get enough furniture that we can have people over - such a warm, welcomgin and wonderful bunch they were! I was a little wonky when I left our house and forgot the camera, but I'll have plenty of pics as soon as Stealth sends the info!!

We went home afterwards, planning on going grocery shopping, but the combo of good food and an icky day sent us to sleep - we decided to do something we haven't done in AGES and did 1am shopping. I love it (even when I'm woken up for it) - there's really no-one else in the store at that time - no pushing, no shoving, no manuevering carts around people - though of course, with all the boxes in the way from stocking, it can be a bit challenging.....

I slept VERY late Sunday, and woke up to the wonderful smells of bbq - we had gotten a pork shoulder and C slow cooked it on the grill - noon till about 6pm - *drrrrooooooooooooooollllll* it was soooooooooo damn good. Seriously. We passed out after eating  - we've decided that the better the food is, the more likely we are to need a lil nap afterwards.

Also!!! I got my books (from the bargain books place) and WOW!!! They are sooooooo nice - perfect condition, clearly brand new - and just OUTRAGEOUSLY cheap. Ridiculous. I've got more books to read now than a little bit.....

What else wonderful happened this weekend? We got our swatches for the couches, and picked out the colors - a buttery cream and a dark reddish brown - I've emailed the folx, and hopefully they'll respond soon - I can't WAIT to have furniture again.  One kinda sucky thing - I think our waterbed has ANOTHER pinhole leak. *le sigh* I don't know if it was the moving, or if the remarkably bitter guy who put together the waterbed did something 'odd' to it, but we might just break down and get a NEW damn waterbed (mattress) at least. I love the waterbed, I do..... but these repeated leaks are enough to drive a woman batty (as well as make us nervous as hell about - bouncing around on it  - so to speak.)  Well... not TOOO bad - I think we might just get a new one rather than messing about with this one.

more later, I'm sure.


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