Tuesday, May 3, 2005


Yayy!! Triage nurse finally called me back - I've got an appointment for the 19th, which ironically enough, is the same day that I have an appointment for my 'lifepath' job. Going to be purposely vague there.

Anyhow, in talking to the traige nurse, she asked me what sort of issues I was going to come in to talk about - and I stammered and stuttered and finally got out 'marital issues'. Bleh! Why couldn't I just say - I want a professional to let me know if I'm normal or not to NOT want to have sex with my husband, and if it's not normal, can she fix me please? hah. Of course, that didn't come to me until afterwards, but well, that is what I really want out of the whole experience. Give me drugs or something, dammit.

Oh well. Week after next! Wow - that's fast. I'm relieved, and much less nervous. I've been picking at my hair lately, and I'm pretty sure this is why.

Hmmm...it's about time to go home. :) I'm sure my hubby will be delighted to hear about this news.

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