Friday, May 6, 2005

Friday! (flow of consiousness)

Yaaayyyyy!!! Friday. And I'm feeling all creative and shtuff... I think I might go home and play with my clay some. It's the end of a long yet quiet week. I sent out all of our mother's day cards yesterday - first time in YEARS they'll actually get done on time. Me & C are going to do something fun this weekend - still not sure what. Random notes of stuff, because I really want to leave but - AH!! How did I forget to mention this?? C got a job!! Yaaayyyy!! At this chi-chi members only club - not the position he was really looking for, but he's thrilled even more because the current chef there is willing to teach him a lot of the fine dinig knowledge he was having to pick up it bits and pieces on his own. So - that's an UTTER thrill. Maybe we'll go shopping this weekend - find that agricenter Bellisa has been telling me about. Get some soil for our herbs (which still have yet to be planted). Buy some more flowerpots. maybe go dancing - I'm in a dancing mood. though I'm not sure how much I'll be able to do as I did SOMETHING to my big toe this morning - tripped over the bath mat (it was before 7am - I'm usually still hitting the snooze button then!) and twisted my big toe all to mercy. I think I might have bruised the bone - it's tender, but very walk-on-able. ah. I don't know. We might just stay home- such homebodies we are to be two young, cheerful, social people. I have an excuse being an homeschooled only child - him, not so much except he was always the odd one is his family. Need to find a bookstore - there's gotta be a borders on Poplar somewhere. If I felt like dealing with 4pm Friday traffic Imight just drive straight down poplar (and now of course, the locations of at least two bookstores jsut popped into my mind) but I'm in too good of a loverly friday mood to bother. Hmmm....palm pilot is charging, maybe I'll get an ipod after all. hah. I'd make myself a deal and say if I started exercising I'd get one, but we all know how ell I keep deals with myself. It's sad. I'm not buying any ciggies this weekend - I'm trying to slowly wean myself off. I don't smoke in the house at all (don't want the smell to seep in the carpets) and don't smoke when C is in the car with me. I have three left, so I'll be out by tonight. We bought some lovely inscense online last night - Black Nag. It smells heavenly - to me it will always smell like our home. Always.  Drinking Dr. Pepper - nasty. Entirely too sweet - but the machine was all sold out of Diet Dr. Pepper (my usual soda of choice) and I really wanted one. Oh well. I'd like to leave now (as I was saying a long way up) but C's jub is only 10 minutes away and he is having a meeting with his chef - as soon as his chef gets out of another meeting. He's so excited - so happy - I love seeing him happy. and of course, the extra money is a thrill too. Can't wait till he's saved up enough for another car. It'll be lovely, it will. manuvering them in our driveway - maybe not so much fun, but it has to be done. I realized a few days ago that I still have the keyring from his old car (totalled) on my car key ring - speaking of which I thought I had lost my keys at PrincessaP's housewarming, and C found them deep in the bottom of my purse (precisely where logically almost anal me would have shoved them just to be safe). Must read more Pregnancy, Childbirth and the NEwborn - though it's so chockfulla info. Thinking about starting on the Doula book so that I can have something to trade off on - or maybe a thinking woman's guide to birth. So many books...I need to get more bookshelves - we still ahve two boxes of stuffed animals and a huge box of board games - I don't think I've thrown away a single game I've owned - me and my mother would play so often - I think the word games are one of the reasons I love to read so much - I've got a huge vocabulary, but can't pronounce half of them - a clear sign of a reader. Anyhow, we have these boxes and I don't want to just shove the games in the attic because then we'd certianly never play them, but I'm not sure where to put them. I was thinking maybe a set of wall sheleves over our lowbookcase, but I'm not sure - the walls seem sturdy enough (hard to drill/nail into but very secure) but I don't want 'industrial' looking brackets. Hmm.. that might be something fun to do online. Ah... need to fill the new waterbed too - it came in this tiny tiny box - me & C are still wondering if there is actually a queen size waterbed in there, but we figure that it's really flat since it's never been filled. I wonder what kind of stress tests they do on waterbeds - Consumer reports doesn't do any reviews of waterbeds and only a couple on mattresses. I've never owned a 'real' mattress, and the only one I've ever slept on that was 'mine' was a twin size at my mothers house before I went to college. Otherwise, I've had futons (wonderful things) or the waterbed (heated too, so even MORe wonderful). We need new sheet sets though - we got two with the waterbed, but they are both close to ugly. Also need a duvet for the new king size down comforter - ohh, how I love my down.

*blink* 3:35pm, on a Friday.


And to all you mama's - Happy Mothers Day.

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