Friday, May 20, 2005

Hopskipping across the country

Okay....I've got several things in the mail.....
1) The iPod - which is hopskipping across the country - it started in Brooklyn, NY, then went to Parsipanny, NJ, then to Harrisburg, PA, and now it's in Fisherville, VA. The hell? This is what happens when you chose ground shipping. It's in Knoxville now!! It and my swimsuits are at least in the same state as I am. Yayy!
2) The swimsuits - two days air - they left VA and are in Knoxville now.
3) The XboX is getting mailed this morning....
4) The skin is getting mailed Monday (the same day I'll hopefully GET the iPod)
5) I don't know what's going on with the PS2.
6) *hangs head in shame* The new crop of books I ordered from (I have issues! help! help!) will get shipped at some point.
7) *hangs head even lower in shame* The 80GB external drive my evil evil evil friend talked me into buying is in Newark. But I needed it!! I have a 60GB iPod on the way - and my harddrive is ONLY 30GB. I mean really....and besides, just in case my harddrive gives up the ghost again, I won't lose all mah shit.

See - this is why I don't SPEND money in large amounts - once I start I can't stop until it's allllll gone. *le sigh* At least the boy get's paid today.... I need to find a copy of my old lease so that we can get reimbursed for that.  

Let see - what else? Took the day off yesterday - a nice little blurb about what I did for part of the day is in my Path To Tomorrow chapter - cleaned up the house a bit, washed the cat bed, somehow forgot to eat all day.....except for some olives....ummm.......ran C to work, but didn't have to pick him up (thankfully) what else? I think that's about it.

Oh! I almost forget!! YYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAA!Y! it's FRIDAY!! *does the funky little dance*

But i hungry now, so I go get lunch now.  *huggles*

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