Thursday, May 5, 2005


The sun is shining, the weather is warm, and I still all screwface. No clue why - maybe a horrid email I read from one of my midwifery group today *DOCTORS ARE NOT GOD!!!* or maybe the random collections of extraneous crap I've gotta do at work - or maybe the fact that I'm no longer in excited an-ti-cip............pation! of getting my laptop fixed.
That's right ya'll, I got the screen in the mail last night, and promptly installed it. It's a lil crooked cuz I need to resecure to of the hinge screws, but other than that - it ROCKS.  So now, I only have to lug my laptop home when I'm on call. Yayyy!!!

I think I'm ready for the weekend already, or at least a nice lil nap. blah!

*goes to read favorites to cheer herself up*



And I keep thinking that I'm forgetting to do something. I've purchased my Mother's Day cards (MUST MAIL TOMORROW) and - I've paid all the bills....*frowns* I too young to be this forgetful.....

and it's only 2pm!

*sigh* my problem is that I've been working my little fingers off in a mad whirl of efficency, and now We wish To Be Entertained. *nods regally*


Boy, yeah I'm creative with titles today.

Let's see - what's up with me? Sleepy! A little bored - the network is running soooooooooooooooo blankety blankin slow. Thrilled it's Thursday, cuz that means tomorrow is Friday, and that means it's almost the weekend.  Whoo-freaking-hooo!

The new waterbed got delivered today, which is good, because last night, C got out of bed for something and I woke up I sunk to the bottom of the bed so fast. *sigh* but at least this way, we know we won't have any issues. I need to find a bookstore on my way home, so that I can get that dang book that I am supposed to be reading for the book club. I also need to actually get some stuff DONE this weekend - Gah!  I wish that I didn't have to do anything on the weekends - I think I'm just in a really slothy mood. No clue why, but I just wanna laze about and have my imaginary cabana boy serve me.

I'm thinking about dying my hair again....I've been randomly picking locks apart for the last few weeks..... bored/twitchy fingers.


I've been staring at this screen for like five minutes. I think my juice is gone. *weeps* Juice! come back!

Bleh. Maybe I should stop eating lunch - it's always after eating I get all  grumcrappy feeling.

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