Monday, May 16, 2005


It's Monday ALREADY???? Sheesh - what happened to the weekend??

Saturday, I was quite busy - had to run some errands, (must get patches for C today!) and go to the bookclub meeting.  I really enjoying hanging out with those ladies and talking about the books - I let them rope me into being the secretary for the group, and it's fun - I'm still not totally clear on what my duties are, but hey - it's fun!!

Sunday is officially Me & C's day - since it's the only day we have off together (he's off today, but clearly, I'm at work!) so we just slept in, grilled, played a couple of games - general houselovey fun. 

Our garden is doing sooooo well!! Almost everything has spouted/growing - I'm going to have having to thin them - they all look so vibrant. Somethings been nibbling on our plants already, so we stirred up some organic pesticide (garlic, onion, cayenne pepper and soap) and sprayed the plants - hopefully that will 'scare' off the bugs.  These are for US, not ya'll - stay away, stay away!!

I installed SIMS (I've got the double deluxe pack - I want to get the Making Magic expansion pack) but I haven't played it yet - we got involved in playing Yu-Gi-Oh instead.

Ahh! Lunch time!! Free barbeque today - yayyy!!

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