Wednesday, May 25, 2005

The Creation of Survey 39'er

I'd like to do a survey - I need to go and dig one up.

Umm...back from lunch, sent off the letter to TMA (and the 25 ducats) and grabbed a diet Dr. Pepper (I hate regualr soda - it's WAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY too sweet). Dangit - there was something I was going to expound on (A'ishah's Weekly Soapbox) but now it's just gone - pppphhhffft!

Ooohhh... Maybe I'll make up a survey!! That'll be even more fun. Okay - Survey here - my answers in the next entry.



The Random Survey of a Bored Mind (also know as Survey 39'er) (if you steal it, you gotta add one question or one favorite  or one this or that , and let me know) (ahhhh....power)

Silly Questions
1) What's the silliest thing you've ever done to your personal appearance?
2) How often do you wear underwear inside out?
3) What's your oddest 'ick' thing?
4) If you found a 11 x 13 manilla envelope full of fresh 100's - how would you hide the money from the IRS?
5) What's the stupidest thing youv'e spent money on (and how much)?
6) If you had to stay one age for the rest of your life - what would it be, and why?
7) Do you make up silly songs? (Singing them to your kids doesn't count!)
8) What cliche drives you batty?
9) What's one unique thing about your childhood?
10) What's your vision of a perfect body?
11) If you woke up one day, and had your vision of a perfect body, what's the first thing you would do?
12) If you had to have one song playing in the back of your head FOREVER - what would it be?
13) What's your nervous tic/twitch?

1)Sesame Street Character:
2)Aerobic Activity:
4)Foreign country:
5)Painful beauty procedure:
6)Unnatural Hair Color:
8)Kind of paper:
9)Fingernail Polish:
10) Piece of office equipment:
11)Smell (and no, your sig other doesn't count!)
12)Trash TV show:

This or That:
1) Tequila or Rum:
2) Burps or Farts:
3) Skinning your knee or skinning your elbow:
4)Pimple in the middle or forehead, or pimple right below your nose:
5)Sleep or Money:
6)Mac or PC:
7)Jolly Ranchers or Starbursts:
8)Chest cold or head cold:
9)Straw or cup:
10) Perfection or procrastination:
11)Rocking to the bass or chillin to the classics:
12)Abnormally long fingers or abnormally wide fingers:
13)painful satisfation or easy settling:


Okay.  I'm done now. it's a survey 39'er! Yaaayyyy!!! Okay - now I'm all hype to go and answer my own questions. Is this like talking to yourself (which I do A LOT. I mean - a WHOLE lot. Thank god I don't LOOK touched, otherwise people would really worry about me). to entertain a bored person for two hours: click next entry.


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