Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Survey 39'er....

The Random Survey of a Bored Mind (also know as Survey 39'er) (if you steal it, you gotta add one question or one favorite  or one this or that , and let me know) (ahhhh....power)

Silly Questions
1) What's the silliest thing you've ever done to your personal appearance? Hmm....goes cutting off an entire braid SMACK at the crown of my head count? I was only 2, but still.....
2) How often do you wear underwear inside out? Ohhh...way too often. That first trip to the bathroom at work is always a tossup.
3) What's your oddest 'ick' thing? Back Pimples. They're icky in an "oooohhh - I.MUST.ERADICATE" kinda way.
4) If you found a 11 x 13 manilla envelope full of fresh 100's - how would you hide the money from the IRS? Spend small amounts for long periods of time. No new fur coats.
5) What's the stupidest thing youv'e spent money on (and how much)? Cat beds, and only 30 bucks. The brats.
6) If you had to stay one age for the rest of your life - what would it be, and why? Hmm....I might be too young to answer this, but I think I'd dig 32. Old enough to be close fully grown (one would mostly hope) young enough to still feel young.
7) Do you make up silly songs? (Singing them to your kids doesn't count!) Ooohh - all the time - side effect of talking to myself and getting songs stuck in your head.
8) What cliche drives you batty? OHHHH!!! "Shoot for the moon, if you miss, at least you'll be amoung the stars" Umm.. no - no you won't!!! The closest star to us is MUCH further than the moon (thanks Sol, stay that way, won'tcha?) so if you miss the moon, you're unhappy ass is going to be floating out there with the direct TV satillites.
9) What's one unique thing about your childhood? There wasn't a TV in my house until I graduated from High School.
10) What's your vision of a perfect body? Ohhh....same size boobs, just pointing more northerly. Lindsay Lohans OLD belly (not the starvingly stylish one she's got now) - my booty, just smaller (I got a cute ass), ARCHES in my freaking feet, 30% body fat (I like being curvilicious), Angelina Jolie's thighs - actually, scratch all that - just gimme HER body, thank you VERRY much.
11) If you woke up one day, and had your vision of a perfect body, what's the first thing you would do? If I already had the above mentioned manilla envelope, go mad crazy clothes/shoes/UNDERWEAR shopping. I mean MAD crazy.
12) If you had to have one song playing in the back of your head FOREVER - what would it be? Oh good lord. Umm... the instrumental version of 'Everything Must Change' by Oleta Adams.
13) What's your nervous tic/twitch? The skin under my eye starts jumping.

1)Sesame Street Character: Oscar. I was terrified of his evil ass when I was under 4 - my mother & aunt got much amusement in stalking me with the jack-in-the-box version of Oscar when I was a child - and I actually REMEMBER this.   Evil women. But as I got older, I admired his fuckyou attitude.
2)Aerobic Activity: Ummm......dancing!
3)Toe: Big toe. Not the one with the ugly bruise on the right, the pretty one with the nail that grows right on the left.
4)Foreign country: Egpyt! Though I've never been.
5)Painful beauty procedure: Ouch. Shaving me legs. I have yet to learn how to NOT nick the backs of my ankles.
6)Unnatural Hair Color: Bright BLUE. Like a smurf.
7)Cartoon: Loonry Tunes babe - I was sooooo geeked when I saw the Elmer/Bugs Bunny Vallahara last week.
8)Kind of paper: Ohhh - the slightly bumpy nubbly kind - NO LINES.
9)Fingernail Polish: Russian to a Party by O.P.I in the winter, and Cotton Canday by O.P.I in the summer. But I usually wear clear.
10) Piece of office equipment: Whiteboards! Oh, how I love whiteboards. I wonder how much it would cost to get your walls covered in whiteboards at home? Hmmm - now THAT's a good covering for a kids room!
11)Smell (and no, your sig other doesn't count!): Smartfood white cheddar cheese popcorn. *licks lips*
12)Trash TV show: JERRY! JERRY! JERRY!
13)Coin: The big gold Sacagawea dollars. I always feel so rich when I have a pocket full of them.

This or That:
1) Tequila or Rum: Rum!
2) Burps or Farts: Farts. Such coming outta your ass is SUPPOSED to smell bad.
3) Skinning your knee or skinning your elbow: Ouch. Ouch. Umm...damn. Knee, I guess.
4)Pimple in the middle or forehead, or pimple right below your nose: Forehead!
5)Sleep or Money: Sleep. If I could earn money in my sleep I would.
6)Mac or PC: PC. And yes, it's just because I'm USED to it.
7)Jolly Ranchers or Starbursts: Yick. Yick. JR's if I have to choose - they are both funny flavored and waaayyy too damn sweet.
8)Chest cold or head cold: Chest. At least the hacking serves some purpose - and you get sympathy/fear from coworkers and get to stay home. With head colds, the misery is all yours.
9)Straw or cup: Straw!! The only thing I LIKE to drink outta cups is liqour.
10) Perfection or procrastination: procrastination - I mean,hello! I just created a survey!
11)Rocking to the bass or chillin to the classics: Rock on DUDE!!!
12)Abnormally long fingers or abnormally wide fingers: Long. Long fingers are cool, and they are useful for getting the last pickle out the jar.
13)painful satisfation or easy settling: oohh - gimme the pain. I'm too damn stubborn to settle.

See??? it's FUN!!!!

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