Monday, May 23, 2005

Like whoa! - includes Music Request

So, the hair's dried, and it's a weee bit lighter/brighter than it was yesterday. I think I like it, but I'm still not totally sure - I think it might be more WHOA! shock that I haven't gotten used to it yet - but I have to admit it looks very - funky. *grin* And that's funky in a good way - I just need somebody to look at me and say - yeah, that looks good. Someone I can trust - who's up for Maggies tonight??? *LOL* The hubby likes it - but he's a GUY! We all know he doesn't count. ;)
But seriously - I LIKE it. It's jsut weird. *LOL* Like me, I guess. Now I wanna cut it - the color (to me) seems to highlight the funky 'layers' my hair has - and because the dying contracts my locs and makes them tighter (and skinnier) it's - just - different. but not BAD! *grin* yes, yes, I'm flipfloping. I'll take another picture tonight in the sun since it's it and see what ya'll think!

In other news: The swimsuits are on a truck to get here, the damn iPod is still in Knoxville - ooh!! I take that back! It flew out of Knoxville at 9:35 this morning (I heart UPS tracker) - so I MIGHT get it today *rubs hands together evilly* the skin got shipped today, the XboX left Greensboro, NC this morning, the PS2 got shipped this morning - slowpoke eBayer! - the external drive is on a TRUCK for delivery!! (hmmm the FedEx delivery place is in Cordova, interesting), and I think that's everything. Sheesh!! Oh!! My request for the domain name got approved too - hopefully the DNS servers will be updated by tonight!
I spent the weekend dying my hair (that was a two day process!) and getting started on uploading all of my CD's to iTunes - so far, I've made to to the 'I's, and I have about 2 days worth of a music, a mere 2GB. But!!! Readers of mine!! You guys have some pretty cool, pretty ecletic music tastes - and I figure, for 99 cents, I can try anything. I LOVE music, but I'm cheap (ignore the listing of crap getting shipped to my house, I AM cheap - really!!!) and I'm not into buying MORE cd's that I only like one song off of. So - with the iPod, I figure I'll be able to really let my tastes wander and explore. Ooohhh.....So - ya'll do me this favor, okay??
Leave me a note, with at least TWO artists that you love, but think are underrated - include what genre they are, and if you have a favorite song/album - include that too.  *grins*
I figure at the very least, I'll be able to find a few new gems to enjoy.... ooh... I need to email all my musically eclectic friends too!!

Half the office is missing today - I figure it'll be a slow, slow, slow Monday. I need to go to the bank during lunch and deposit C's check, and I plan on cutting out of here ASAP!

Have Good Monday Yall!!

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