Tuesday, May 17, 2005


a very rare entry from home. I've gotten mostly caught up on my 'home' stuff, though I STILL haven't washed my hair. Gah!

Let's see - what else? Ah yes - two days away from the first appointment with the therapist, it should be interesting seeing how that goes. I'm - gah - I'm confused by MYSELF right about now. I mean - am I just bored with my husband? I don't think so - I mean, he's still sexy, wonderful, amazing, giving, loving - all that good shit - it's just that I so RARELY wanna have sex with him.

And then, I'm thinking about this whole girlfriend thing, and while I think it'll be fun for a while, I'm SERIOUSLY not trying to find a 'girlfriend'. I want a running partner that I can have sex with sometimes - I think another married woman would actually be easiest - I guess I'm kinda nervous about T's expectations - and since she's a virgin - I REALLY don't wanna break her. *snicker* Besides the fact that the woman hasn't had sex in two years, and she doesn't own any toys - hell, I take that back, she might break ME. But - we'll see if there is any chemistry there. And once again, it's the whole one-on-one thing.... gah! Somehow, I don't THINK there honestly will be any chemistry - she's - needy. *shudder* And I really think she wants romance....and I'm like the anti-romantic - loving as hell, but - romance? ughha. I wanna be a slutwife. *sigh*

And I've also ALWAYS gotten along better with boys - just period. So - *sigh* I don't know what the hell I'm doing. We'll see.

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