Monday, May 2, 2005

review, troops long past review....

So....actually had a rather good weekend - lots of snuggles and cuddles and kisses - but still no sex. I feel like I'm warming up to it though - I really wish this damn triage nurse would call be back. Thank heavens I'm not in serious/desparate need.

So - I figured that I would list all of my sexual partners (in order, as much as I can). It's actually been a long while since I've done that - I've actually lost track of how many folx I've done the deed with - I'm doing to include sexual contact of any kind (oral, anal, vaginal) as being 'valid' so to speak.

High School

1) Devon - the first, the guy I lost my virginity too. Bad boy, but got to be a little too bad for me - after a certain point, I refused to deal with his self-destructive tendencies.

2) Daz - high yellow honey. We dated, had sex (I lusted after his brother), and he was the first 'older' guy. He fell in love with one of my good friends - and I was pissed, but got over it rather quickly.

3) Toddie - first guy I knew who died in gang-related violence. Sucked his dick late one night in my mom's house, as I had been crushing on him for years. He came really fast and totally ruined my crush.

4) Harrison - one of my best friends ex - we crept around behind her back for a LONG time (after they had broken up). Last I heard (about two or three years ago) she's still mad at me over that one.

5) Alfred - my first 'real' boyfriend (as in, the first one I introduced to my mother). He was obsessed over me, and taught me that tears from a man is no reason to renig on the breakup. He was my first anal experience - and to only be 17, the boy knew what he was doing. I broke up with him firmly and finally the first week I was in college.


6) Mike - my first college boyfriend - reminded me a LOT of Alfred, size wise. He was a pathological liar though, and played with me & another girl for most of our four years in college. Me and the other girl hated each other on sight - before we even knew he was sleeping with both of us.

7) James - Mike's good friend - I bounced between the two of them for most of my college years. He was a supreme dork, and the only man (thus far) to get me pregnant.

8) Joy - my first female experience. She was amazing shy, and it was both of our first time - I liked her, didn't like her boobs.

9 & 10) T&T - the couple I hooked up with a swung with. Never HAD sex with Taylor (the male half) because that was against their couple rules - but I sure as hell wanted to, and he wanted me too. Tasha - I dated, fell in and out of love with.

11) Q - boy I met online. Only hooked up with him once - sucked his dick. Eh.

12) Mike (a different one) - had the tinest dick I'd EVER seen. I mean, damn. *LOL* I always thought he was gay, as the only way he could get it up was doggy style. Or maybe he just thought I was ugly.

13) Jeremy - 12 years older, acted like an incestuous uncle. Through him I ran into the APC - but he was so possesive that I only had sex with two other guys the whole year and a half I ran with them.

14) Terrell - dumb ass ex-con - did a threesome with him & Jeremy.

15) Antonio - Jeremy's best friend - sucked his dick with his girlfriend to prove a point.

16) Tony - He was such a sweetie - I met him at a club, and he sweet talked me home. Everytime I went back, I hoped to run into him.

17) Mohammed - fine ass Iraqi dude I met at a club. Went back to his hotel and had funky sex with him.

18) The cabbie who took me to Mohammed's hotel - yup, left M's hotel, went back to mine with the cabbie. He sucked.

19) Samson - fine ass Egyptian dude - freaky as hell - the one who treated me like a little slut. Lied through his teeth about EVERYTHING. Met him once, randomly ran into him at another club. Fabulous sex both times.

20) Abdul - dude who's room I left crying. I THINK we had sex, but I was so damn drunk, I don't really remember.

21) Ishmael - tall, funny looking african dude who refused to let me come. I got sick of it, made myself come, and snuck out of his apartment once he fell asleep. Swiped the necklace he let me wear, and still wear in on occasion. Always gives me a little chuckle.

22) Zayil - sweet african guy (the african tended to be REALLY sweet). Fed me breakfast and smoked fifty million cigs with me.

23) Paul - coworker of mine, I never HAD sex with him, though he did 'invite' me over to his apartment and try to convince me to do the deed. He gave me one of the best professional recommendations I've ever gotten.

24, 25 & 26) Swing Club dudes - one got me off sucking my nipples, another fingered me for like 5 HOURS straight, and another one ate me out. I fucked none of them.

27, 28, & 29) Various men & women I encountered at swing parties with T&T. It may have been more than three - but I know it was at least three.

30) Random Guy - met him online, convinced him to come over and fuck me. It was - odd.

31) Random Guy #2- dude from the bus stop - my 'oh shit' sexual encounter.

32) Marvin - despite having a stupid name, this was a fine, tall, skinny, black cop. Watching him strip out of his uniform - possibly the sexiest thing EVER.

Post - College

33) Hubby - my husband. Had sex with him on our first date. Still having sex with him on occasion.

34) Angie - thick white girl who 'pretended' to be bi. In other words, she recieved, and never gave - heifer. She had a sweet pussy though.

Damn!! That list ended up being MUCH longer than I expected it to be. Hmm....10 years, roughly 34 people - roughly 3 people a year. I'm pretty sure I'm missing some though - at least one or two other girls in college, and heaven knows I'm missing some more of the college/swing club people - I had sex at LEAST twice each visit, with different people.

That was actually - rather interesting. Hmm.....I'll add to this list as others pop into my head.

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